Chapter 42

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Tyler's POV

I open the door to the restaurant, walking in. I decided to surprise Amy today at work. I don't have a game or practice today, and who better to enjoy my day off with than the girl I love.

I look around the restaurant for Amy, not finding her beautiful face anywhere. A girl dressed in uniform passes by. Her name tag says "Grace". I've heard a lot of stories about her from Amy, and talked to her a few times before when I've come here.

"Hey," I say, tapping her shoulder.

"Oh hey Tyler," she says. "It's always nice to see you here."

"Ya, so where's Amy?," I ask. "Is she in the staff room?"

"No, she didn't show up to work today," Grace tells me. "She called in sick."

"Sick? What's she sick with?"

"I don't know. She never said what's wrong. All she said was that she wasn't feeling well, so she's not coming in for her shift," Grace says.

"Ok, well thanks Grace. I'll go check on her at her house," I say.

"Ok, tell her I said to feel better," she says.

"Ya, I will."

I say goodbye to Grace, and leave the restaurant. I go out to my car, feeling the nice breeze on my face. It's starting to get a little warmer here in Dallas now since it's the beginning of February. Spring will be here before we know it.

I get into my car, and start it, beginning my drive to Amy's house. My concern for Amy grows as I drive. I hope she's not too sick. She should never have to be ill. She should always be healthy.

I arrive at Amy's house, parking on the driveway next to Amy's car. I get out, going to the door and ringing the doorbell. The door opens in a minute, and I smile down at Dylan.

"Hey kiddo," I say, walking into the house.

"Hey Tyler. How are you?," Dylan says.

"I'm ok, just a little worried about Amy," I tell him. "I heard she's sick."

"Ya, she's been throwing up all morning."

"Throwing up?," I question.

"Ya, when I woke up this morning she was throwing up in the washroom," he tells me. "She's been running between her room and the washroom all morning."

I become even more worried as Dylan says this. The words "throwing up" and "morning" make me panic. This can't be happening. There's no way this is possible. We're always careful.

"Tyler, are you ok?," Dylan asks. "You look like you saw a ghost."

"Ya uhh I-I'm fine, buddy," I stutter out. "I'm just gunna go check on Amy."

"Ok, it's gross though," he says.

"I think I'll be fine," I say with a chuckle, ruffling Dylan's hair.

I begin my slow ascent up the stairs. I hold onto the rail to steady myself. My knees feel weak from nervousness, and I feel like I could easily fall over while walking up the stairs.

I walk to Amy's room, opening the door. The room is empty. Her bed is a mess with pillows and blankets strewn across the sheets. Amy has never been a neat freak, but she usually keeps her bed clean.

I leave her room, and head down the hall to the washroom. I press my ear to the door, listening for any sign of Amy on the other side. I hear the sound of her throwing up through the door, making me feel sick.

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