Chapter 32

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Tyler's POV

It's getting colder now that it's getting more into December. And I've been taking advantage of the cold.

Whenever I'm able to take Amy out, when she's free from school and work, I take her to places outside. So that she'll get cold, and have to cuddle with me to stay warm.

I know that I don't have to go to such desperate measures to hold her. She no longer rejects my PDA. But I like the fact that I can get her to stop shivering. That my body can relax her.

I'm excited that she's off from school for the rest of the month. I'm planning on spending as much time as I can with her. We have a lot of home games now, so I'll be here to take her out.

I get dressed in a hoodie and jeans. I put on some socks and shoes, and grab my coat. Then I say goodbye to Marshall and Cash before I leave for Amy's place.

I get caught up in traffic. Normally this would irritate me, but I don't feel rushed to go see Amy. I don't have to be there for a certain time when she's not busy.

I play around with the radio, changing the stations. I stop at one that's playing a song that reminds me of Amy.

A memory of us playing pool at my place comes to mind. I can vividly hear Amy's voice singing in my head. The image of her dancing around while watching me hit the cue ball projects in my mind like movie.

I remember that game being cut short. I was winning, and Amy was a sore loser. She swiped away all the pool balls, and sat down onto the table, pulling me to stand between her legs. Even though we didn't finish that game, I enjoyed my consolation prize.

I smile at the memory, and continue my drive to her place. I park in the driveway next to Amy's car. I get out, and walk up the driveway to the front door.

I reach to ring the doorbell, and just as I'm about to hit it, the front door opens. Amy gasps, freaking out at the sight of me on the porch.

"Fuck, you scared the shit out of me," she says, placing a hand over her racing heart.

I chuckle. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"What are you even doing here?," she asks.

"I thought we could hangout," I say.

"Oh well actually, I was just leaving," Amy says, gesturing to the backpack over her shoulder.

"Wait, I thought you were on Christmas break or whatever?," I question.

"I am, but I have exams at the beginning of January. So I want to really get into studying now because I know I'll be busy for Christmas and New Year's."

"So you're going to like a library to study?," I ask.

"Uhh no. I'm going to Terrance's house," she says.

"What? Why?"

"Because he's super smart, and can help me to understand whatever I don't know," she explains.

"Amy, you're a genius. You don't need that geek's help," I tell her.

"I'm not a genius. And Terrance will help me get ready for this exam. I need his help."

"No, you're brilliant. You don't need his help," I say.

"Fine. Maybe I don't need his help, but I want his help," she says. "I really want to do well on this exam."

"Well how long are you gunna be studying at his house for?," I ask.

"Probably all day," she tells me.

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