Chapter 12

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Amy's POV

I drop Dylan off at practice, and then head home. As I approach our house, I see Tyler's car in the driveway. I let out a sigh, and park my car next to his.

I get out of the car, and walk to the front door. I see Tyler sitting on the porch with a big teddy bear, flowers, and a box of chocolates.

He gets up from the ground when he sees me, and smiles at me. I roll my eyes and walk past him to unlock the door. I open it and then quickly close it behind me before he can enter.

"C'mon Amy, please open the door," Tyler shouts while he knocks on the door.

I lean on the door, and take a deep breath. I get off the door, and walk upstairs and go into my room. I can still hear Tyler yelling and knocking on the door.

I grab the clothes that Tyler changed me into last night, and head back downstairs. I open the front door, and Tyler smiles at me.

"Take your shit," I say, and throw the clothes at him.

Tyler doesn't catch them, but they land on top of the chocolates. I start closing the door again, but he puts his hand on the door. He pushes back, and he's much stronger than me, so I give up on closing the door.

"Please just listen to me Amy," Tyler begs.

"You called me fucked up, and said that I should've gotten raped. Why the fuck should I listen to you?," I practically yell at him.

"I didn't mean that. And you know I didn't mean that. I was just so angry having seen you almost get raped and then finding out you fucked that guy in the washroom. I wasn't thinking when I said that. I'm really sorry ok? That was awful and disgusting and despicable of me to say."

"Just because you were angry and upset, doesn't mean that you have the right to say things like that," I tell him.

"Yes I know that. My anger is no excuse for what I said. But what I said was not true. You're amazing and I would never ever ever want you to be hurt in anyway," he says.

"People say the truth when they're angry, Tyler. And you said what you think is the truth. You think that I'm some whore that would enjoy being raped. Well despite what it may seem like, I'm not a whore. I'm just damaged."

"That's not what happened. I wasn't angry and telling the truth. I was angry and speaking without thinking. You hurt me, and I wanted to hurt you back," he explains.

"Well congratulations, you did hurt me. And I'm sorry for hurting you, but you shouldn't have tried to hurt me back," I say.

"Amy, let me fix this."

"No, the damage has been done. So please take your candy and flowers to some other girl's door."

"I don't want to go to another girl's door," Tyler says.

I start to close the door again, but he fights back. Tyler pushes past me, and enters the house.

"Get the fuck out of my house before I call the cops," I threaten.

Tyler drops everything in his hands, and I can see the anger radiating off of him.

"Go ahead, call the fucking cops. I'm not leaving here without winning you back. I'll go to jail for you."

"This won't work Tyler," I say.

"What won't work?," he asks.

"Us. I'm not going to change. I'm going to always be this damaged girl that fucks around with a bunch of guys. And that's not fair to you. I don't want to keep hurting you. Maybe it's better for us if we just go our separate ways," I tell him and my eyes begin to water.

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