Chapter 4

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Tyler's POV

"You look nervous," I say as I drive to the restaurant.

"I'm not nervous, just uncomfortable," Amy says.

"Why's that?," I ask.

"Because I don't date," she says.

"Well then don't think of it as a date. Think of it as two friends hanging out."

"We're not friends though. I don't know you," she points out.

"Very true. So then think of it as two strangers meeting and getting to know each other," I say.


"And then maybe by the end of he night, you'd be willing to call us friends," I say and smile at her.

"Mhmm ya we'll see," she says.

"I'm sure your brother would want us to be friends," I remark.

"Speaking of my brother, where's the stuff you promised me that you'd bring for him?," Amy asks.

"Don't worry. You'll get them."

"Well there's no chance of us being friends until then," she says.

"Seems fair."

I continue driving to the restaurant. We arrive there in a few minutes. I offer Amy my arm, and she reluctantly takes it.

I give my name to the hostess in the restaurant, and she shows us to our table. A waitress comes and takes our order.

"So Amy, do you watch hockey?" I ask as we wait for our food.

"No, I think I said that I didn't when I met you the other day. I'm not really into sports. Although I watch basketball sometimes," she says.

"What's your favourite team?"

"Thunder cause that's where I'm from."

"You're from Oklahoma?," I ask.

"Ya. We just moved here about a week ago," she tells me.

"Oh wow. Why'd you move here?"

"Our dad got a job promotion."

"How old are you?," I ask.

"Just turned twenty-three earlier this month. Why?," she says.

"Just wondering."

"Are you wondering why I'm twenty-three and still living at home?"

"No uhh I-"

"It's fine, I get it a lot actually. I stay at home because of Dylan. He's only eight, and I don't want to miss out on him growing up," Amy explains. "If it wasn't for Dylan, I would've moved out as soon as I turned eighteen."

"You really love your brother, huh?," I say.

"He's the only person in the world that I love."

"What about your dad?," I question.

Amy scoffs. "Ha no."

"Why not?," I ask.

"Tyler, I'm not gunna tell you why I don't like my dad. Especially when I've only just met you," she says.

"Ok ya, that's a little too personal. I'll just have you tell me another time," I say.

"Ya we'll see."

The waitress brings our food and sets it down in front of us. I thank her, and she gives me a smile and a wink. Then I look over at Amy who doesn't seem that interested in me.

How To Love (Tyler Seguin)Where stories live. Discover now