Chapter 29

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Tyler's POV

It feels good to be with my family. I haven't seen them in person since Amy arrived in my life. I was supposed to go home during summer, but I just couldn't leave her.

I booked a big hotel suite for us with a bunch of conjoining rooms. We're only here for two nights, and I'm gunna cherish every moment of it.

We all sit around the table, eating the delicious dinner that mom made for us because she refused to order room service. Everyone fills me in on what's been going on back home since I last talked to them last week.

"So how's everything going with you?," mom asks.

"It's good. I'm very happy. Although, I'll be much happier once I get back to Dallas," I tell her.

"Do you like Dallas better than Brampton now?," dad asks with a smirk.

"Wherever Amy is will be my favourite place," I say, feeling my cheeks warm up.

"Aww how cute," Cassidy teases.

I notice Candace rolling her eyes. That's strange. I'll have to ask her later what that's all about.

"So the season is going really well for you guys this year," dad says.

"Ya, we've definitely improved. The new additions to the team have helped."

"Not to mention that you're having an amazing season," mom boasts.

"Ya, I've been really motivated and determined to play my best this year," I say.

"Does that have to do with Amy?," Cassidy asks with a smug grin.

"Pretty much," I say with a chuckle, scratching the back of my head.

We continue eating and talking at the table. When we're done, I help mom clear off the table. I leave mom and dad in the kitchen of the suite, and join Cassidy and Candace on the couch to watch a movie.

I squeeze myself in the middle to sit in between the two of them. I put one arm on the couch behind Cassidy. She leans her head on my shoulder and I smile at my youngest sister.

"I've missed you guys," I say, pulling Candace in and hugging them both.

"You wouldn't miss us as much if you didn't spend all your time with Amy," Candace remarks.

"Do you have a problem with Amy?," I ask. "I saw you roll your eyes before, during dinner."

"Yes, I do have a problem," she says.

"Why? She's really nice, and funny, and amazing."

"Look, I'm sure she's a great person and all, and I'm glad you found someone that you love and who keeps you happy," Candace tells me.

"So then what's your problem with her?," I question.

"Her lack of commitment. Like friends with benefits is so stupid. Are you in middle school? Like grow up. She should either want to be with you completely or not at all."

"Candace, she's been through some stuff in her life. Things that make her not want to commit," I tell her. "And I'm not gunna not be with her just because of that. Especially when I know that one day, we will be together."

"I just don't like seeing you get hurt," she says.

"I'm a big boy, I can take care of myself," I say.

"Still, you shouldn't be with someone who hurts you. You can tell Amy all you want that you're ok with her being with other guys, but you and I both know, that's a lie. You don't want to share her. No one wants to share the person they love."

How To Love (Tyler Seguin)Where stories live. Discover now