Chapter 36

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Amy's POV

I stare at the last question on my exam, trying to think of how to word my answer. I look up at my professor who's pacing around at the front. Her heels clicking against the floor, echoing in the room.

There's not too many people left now. There still half an hour left to this exam. But I want to get out of here already. I can't listen to her heels any longer.

I put my pen to the paper, the answer to the question just flowing out of me. I've studied a lot, especially this past week. I've barely seen Tyler, and I even booked time off from work to study.

I quickly skim over the questions that I had marked down that I was unsure about. Once I feel satisfied with my answers, I pick up my exam and get up from my seat.

I walk down the stairs, feeling the eyes of other students on me. I hand my professor my exam. Then I grab my bag that I placed against the wall at the front when I walked in for the exam.

I put my pen into the bag, slinging it over my shoulder. Then I quietly leave the classroom, feeling relieved when I walk out. That was my final exam, and now I can relax.

"Finally, you're done," Terrance says, leaning on the wall across from the doorway of the classroom.

"What are you doing here?," I ask.

"Well I finished my exam pretty quickly, so I thought I'd wait for you to finish yours. I thought we could go celebrate the fact that we finished our exams."

"Celebrate how?," I say with a smirk.

"However you want," he says, putting an arm around my shoulder.

Terrance and I begin to walk down the hall towards the main staircase to go down, his arm still around me. He tells me about how his exam went, boasting about how well he thinks he did. I wish I had his confidence.

"Hey, can we stop for a second?," Terrance says when we get to the stairs. "I have something in my shoe."

We stop walking, and Terrance lets go of me. He bends down, and takes off his shoe. He shakes out whatever was bothering him, and then puts it back on, tying up the laces.

He stands up straight again, facing me. He smiles at me, staring into my eyes. He puts his hand onto my waist, and pulls me towards him. He puts his other hand on my face, and rubs my cheek with his thumb before leaning down to kiss me.

I pull on the collar of Terrance's shirt, pulling him closer. He presses his body up against me, pushing me into the banister of the stairs. He puts more weight on me, and my back leans over the rail.

"I swear to god, if I fall back, I'll kill you," I say.

"Don't worry. I'll never let you fall," Terrance mumbles against my lips, brushing away my hair.

I blush, biting his bottom lip. He chuckles, tangling his hand into my hair. His lips feel so soft as he gently kisses me. He kisses me so slowly almost like I'm so delicate that if he kissed me more aggressively, I'd break.

I get lost in the kiss. I become unaware of my surroundings, only being able to focus on Terrance. My heart races, and my stomach does cartwheels as he kisses me.

It's only when I hear someone clear their throat that I break from the kiss. But even then it's difficult to pull away. I don't want to stop kissing him. My lips long for his.

Terrance keeps his arm around me while he turns around to face the person that cleared their throat. When I see who it is, I want to pull Terrance back to kiss me just to piss them off.

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