Chapter 41

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Amy's POV

Work isn't very busy today, which is both a blessing and a curse. I'm happy to not have to wait on a lot of people. But having nothing to do makes my shift seem longer.

To pass the time at work, I sneak out my phone from time to time. I manage to send a few texts to Tyler, Terrance, and Drea. All three conversations are different, but they all manage to make time go by easier.

*Come over after work* Tyler texts me in the middle of our conversation.

*Ok. Is there any special reason why you want me to come over?* I ask.

*You'll see when you get here*

I put my thumbs to my screen, ready to reply, when the music in the restaurant changes. It becomes louder than the usual background music that plays. The song changes to a slow romantic song.

I put my phone away, and look around to see what's going on. Everyone seems to be looking in one particular place. I walk around a few tables to have a better view of what everyone is looking at.

I peer around the corner, and instantly smile at what I see. Terrance is standing in the middle of the room with a bouquet of roses. When he sees me, he smiles and extends out his hand for me.

I walk towards him, grabbing his hand. He hands me the bouquet, and then puts his hand on my waist. He pulls me in closer, pressing his lips softly onto mine.

"What's all this for?," I ask, resting my forehead onto his.

"I just wanted to come surprise you before I go to work," Terrance says.

"For no reason?," I say.

"I don't need a reason to show the most beautiful girl in the world how much I care about her."

I blush, letting go of Terrance's hand. I wrap my arms around his neck, still holding the flowers. I kiss Terrance again, putting more passion into the kiss than he was before.

I become completely unaware of the people around us. I forget that they're all watching us. All that matters is Terrance and I. Frozen in time with this kiss.

Terrance pulls away from the kiss, bringing time back to normal speed. He rubs his thumb over my cheek, smiling down at me.

"Would you like to dance?," he asks.

"Ya," I say with a giggle.

"I have to warn you though, I'm not the greatest dancer," he says.

"I don't care. Just don't step on my feet too much."

I put the bouquet of flowers down onto a nearby table. Terrance puts one hand on my waist, and holds my hand up in his. I place my other hand on his shoulder, looking up into Terrance's eyes.

We start to sway our bodies to the rhythm of the music. I follow Terrance's lead, moving my feet with his. He's actually a fairly good dancer, despite his earlier statement.

Terrance moves me away from his body. He raises my hand up above my head, spinning me around. I giggle, giving him a kiss on the cheek when he pulls me back in.

He rests his forehead onto mine, intensely staring into my eyes. I notice people in the restaurant starting to get up to dance as well, but I don't look away from Terrance. I focus all my attention on the brown of his eyes.

Terrance keeps his face close to mine. His glasses begin to fog up from my breathing. I chuckle, moving my forehead off of his. I rest my chin on his shoulder, kissing his neck.

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