Chapter 34

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Amy's POV

"Amy, wake up," Dylan says, shaking my arm.

"Go away," I groan, burying my face into my pillow.

"But Amy, it's Christmas," he exclaims.

"Just let me sleep for a few more minutes."

"No, get up now."

Dylan climbs up onto my bed. He starts to jump up and down, repeatedly chanting, "It's Christmas! It's Christmas!"

I laugh into my pillow. I sit up in my bed, and grab Dylan. I pull him down onto my lap, and tickle him. He giggles, trying to free himself from my hold.

"Merry Christmas kiddo," I say, kissing the top of his head.

"Thanks. Merry Christmas to you too," Dylan says. "Now can we go open presents?"

I chuckle. "Sure. I just need to brush and stuff first."

"Ok, I'll meet you downstairs."

Dylan gets out of my hold, getting off the bed. He leaves my room, and I hear him running down the stairs. I listen to him yelling to dad that it's Christmas, making me laugh. He acts so grown up, that sometimes I forget that he only eight years old.

I pull the covers off of my body. I get out of bed, leaving my room, and going to the washroom. I do my business, brush my teeth, and wash my face.

I head back to my room. I grab one of Tyler's many hoodies that I own. I put it on over my tank top, pulling it down to meet my pyjama bottoms. Then I grab my phone, and text Tyler saying "Merry Christmas".

I leave my room again, this time heading downstairs. I go to the kitchen where dad is making brunch. I wish him a Merry Christmas, and sit down at the table next to Dylan.

Once the food is made, Dylan chows down the food quickly. He's so anxious and eager to open his gifts. Dad and I eat a little quicker too, just so Dylan doesn't have to wait too long.

We put our dishes in the sink, leaving them to be washed later. Then we head to the other room where the tree is set up.

I admire how well the tree is decorated. Tyler, Dylan and I spent a lot of time decorating it. I smile, remembering how happy Dylan was when Tyler picked him up to put the star on the top of the tree.

Dylan sits down on the ground by the tree. I sit down on the couch, and dad sits on the recliner. I tell Dylan to grab the big box, and give it to dad.

Dylan nods, grabbing the box and dragging it towards dad. Dad starts to unwrap my gift to him. It's nothing special, just seat covers for his car that warm up and cool down.

"You're always complaining about your leather seats, and how they're freezing in the winter and burning in the summer. So I thought this would help," I tell him.

"Thank you. I love it. This will come in handy," dad says with a big smile plastered onto his face.

"Now open my gifts," Dylan shouts.

He grabs a bag from under the tree, handing it to dad. Then he hands me a bag as well. Dylan sits back down, smiling up at us both as he watches us.

I take out the decorative tissue paper, and start to take out what's in the bag. There's a new sketchbook, new pencils to draw with, and a small teddy bear.

I chuckle while I take out the final few things. It's a Dallas Star toque, scarf, and mittens. I immediately put the toque on which makes Dylan smile.

"Thanks buddy. Everything you got was perfect. I really needed a new sketchbook," I say.

"I know. Tyler told me. He took me to go buy your gift," Dylan tells me.

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