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Ok I just want to start this off by giving a huge thank you to you guys. You guys have been so amazing with all your love, and support with this story. I never thought this story would receive the reaction that it did from you guys, and I'm so happy that you guys enjoyed this story. In my opinion, I find it more enjoyable to write when I know that my audience is enjoying my work.

You guys have all been so sweet to me, especially those of you who follow me on Instagram (@kneel.before.saad). And if you don't follow me, I recommend that you do because I do talk a lot about my stories on there, and we can discuss things on there. But anyways, you guys are a great audience, and I always enjoy reading your guys' comments on each chapter.

Writing these final two chapters was very emotional for me. I had the final scenes of this story planned out since I first thought of this story, so to finally get to write it was surreal and emotional for me. I hope that the ending didn't disappoint any of you guys.

Again, thank you guys for being a part of this incredible journey. Thank you for sticking around for the entire thing. I hope that Amy and Tyler's love story is one that will stick with you for a while. I know that it will stick with me. My goal with this story was to write something that could touch you guys emotionally, and I hope that's what I did.

But even though this is the end of How To Love, this is not the end for Amy and Tyler because there is a SEQUEL!!!! A lot of you probably know this already from Instagram, and if not, then you should've figured it out with the title of this part and the photo.

The sequel is called Loving You. It's published, and I'm gunna start working on it right away. So don't worry, you'll still get your dose of Amy and Tyler for a while. I don't know how long the sequel will be though, but something is better than nothing. You can find the sequel by going on my profile.

I hope that you guys will continue to support this story. I hope that Loving You won't be a disappointment, and will be a success as well. I know that sequels are never as good as the original, but I'll try my best to make the sequel good. I hope that you all will enjoy Loving You as much as you enjoyed How To Love. :)

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