Chapter 16

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Amy's POV

I finish getting ready, and head downstairs for breakfast. Dad's not there and Dylan is eating a bowl of cereal.

"Where's dad?," I ask, grabbing the cereal box.

"He had to go to work early," Dylan tells me.

"So you're gunna wait here alone for the school bus to come?"

"Ya I guess so."

"Are you ok with locking up the house?," I ask while pouring the milk.

"Ya I can do it," Dylan says.

I take a seat next to Dylan and start eating. I look over to him, and he's dully poking at his cereal.

"Are you ok?," I ask.

Dylan doesn't say anything. He just keeps stirring his spoon in the cereal.

"Is something wrong at school?"

"No," he says, slowly shaking his head.

"Is it about hockey?," I question.

Dylan stops playing with his food and looks up at me.

"Are you nervous because the season is starting soon?," I ask.

"Uhh ya I guess," he says.

"Well don't be nervous. You're good, and Tyler got you onto the best team, so you'll be fine."

"Ok," Dylan says, and looks down at his cereal again.

"Now eat up," I tell him, and ruffle his hair.

He gives me a weak smile and starts to eat. I keep eating and finish my bowl, and put it in the sink. I give Dylan a kiss on the cheek, and head to the door.

I put on some flats, and go out to my car. I sit inside, and try to start my car. The engine rumbles, but doesn't start. I keep trying and trying, but nothing.

"Fuck," I shout, hitting the steering wheel.

I grab my phone, and call up Tyler. He answers the phone on the final ring, and groans into the phone.

"Hey Tyler," I say.

"Amy, I'm sleeping," he whines.

"I know, I'm sorry for waking you up. But my car won't start, and I need a ride to school," I tell him.

He sighs. "You're lucky I like you more than I like my sleep. If this was anyone else, I would've hung up."

"Thank you," I say with a little laugh.

"I'll be there in a few minutes," Tyler says.

"Ok see you then."

"Ya bye."

I hang up my phone, and get out of the car. I go to sit on the porch while I wait for Tyler. He pulls up into the driveway in a few minutes, and I get into the car.

"Thank you so much," I say, and kiss his cheek. "You're a life saver."

"Ya anytime," Tyler says with a smile.

He starts driving to the university. He looks tired and he keeps rubbing his face. I look him up and down, and he's just wearing sweats and it looks like he just put on a sweater and zipped it up. I can see his bare chest underneath.

"I'm really sorry about waking you up," I say.

"It's fine. Maybe this will earn me some points," he says with a smirk.

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