Chapter 20

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Amy's POV

Tyler drives from the arena back to our house to drop off Dylan. He parks the car in the driveway, and Dylan unbuckles his seatbelt.

"Well have fun at your party," Dylan says.

"Ya we will," I say.

Dylan starts to open the door, but then I stop him.

"Wait, can you take my jersey and purse inside?," I ask him, and he nods.

I take off my jersey, and hand it to him. I take my phone out of my purse. I probably won't be needing anything else from it. Then I hand that to Dylan as well.

"Ok well goodnight Tyler," Dylan says, opening the door.

"Ya goodnight buddy," Tyler says, looking at him in the rearview mirror.

Dylan steps out of the car, carrying all my stuff. He walks towards the front door, and rings the doorbell. Dad opens it and lets him in. Dad looks at us in the car, and Tyler waves at him. Dad waves back, and then closes the door.

I roll my eyes at my dad. "Ok we can go now."

"Ya, just give me a second," Tyler says.

Tyler takes off his coat, putting it on the back seat. Then he takes off his tie and puts it on top of his coat. He unbuttons the top buttons of his shirt, and rolls up his sleeves, revealing his tattoos.

"That's much better," he says.

"Coat and tie wasn't doing it for you?," I say.

"Not for a party."

"Well now that you look more ready for a party, can we go?," I ask.

"Yes we can," he says, and switches the car into reverse.

"So how much do your friends know about me?," I ask while he starts driving to Jamie's place. "I know you told me before, but I forget."

"Well they know that we're friends who hook up, and they know that I like you, and that I think that you're beautiful and amazing. Other than that, I never told them anything like personal about you. Except that you're an amazing artist. They know that. But otherwise, nothing else really. Like they don't know anything about your family or that you're gunna be a pharmacist or anything like that. That's all stuff that you could tell them."

"What if they don't like me?"

"They'll like you. You're awesome," Tyler says.

"Well let's say hypothetically, they don't like me for some reason. What would that mean for you and me?," I say.

"What do you mean?"

"Like if they don't like me, does that change things between us? Would you like drop me as your friend?," I ask.

"Of course not. If they didn't like you, I'd tell them 'Well that's too bad because I like her', and they'd have to live with it. I wouldn't stop being your friend," he tells me with a smile. "So don't be worried."

"Well I'm still a bit nervous," I say.

"Look, you met Jamie, and he was nice, right?," he says, and I nod. "Well the rest of the guys are just as nice. And if you're still nervous, then I'll stay by your side until you're not."

"Ok thank you," I say, and smile at him.

Tyler reaches over and grabs my hand. He brings it up to his face, and kisses it. I giggle as he continues to kiss my hand over and over while driving.

Tyler pulls up to the parking lot of Jamie's building. Well Jamie and Drea's building since they live together.

We get out of the car, and start to walk to the doors of the building. We enter the building and go into the elevator. We step out onto their floor, and Tyler takes my hand, leading me to their door.

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