Chapter 14

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Amy's POV

I start school in a few days, and it's bumming me out. To make things worse, I've barely seen Tyler that much because he's been training and practicing a lot, getting ready for the season.

I lie on my bed, and decide to call up Tyler. He doesn't answer his phone. I sigh in frustration, and place the phone on my chest.

It starts vibrating a few minutes later. I pick up the phone, and it's Tyler so I answer it.

"Hey Amy. Sorry, I was just showering. We just finished practice," he says.

"It's ok. So do you have anything else going on today?," I ask.

"Nope. Wanna come over?"

"Yes," I say with a smile.

"Aww do you miss me?," he mocks.

"No," I lie. "I'm just bored."

"Sure, I'll pretend that you're telling the truth," he says.

I roll my eyes. "I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Ok see you soon."


"Bye," Tyler says and hangs up.

I get off my bed and change into a crop top with a skirt. I quickly, but neatly, do my hair and makeup. I grab my phone, and stick my licence into my phone case.

I go downstairs and put on a pair of flats. Fortunately, Dylan went out with some of his teammates so I don't have to worry about watching him.

"Where are you going?," dad asks.

I forgot that he came home early from work today.

"To Tyler's," I tell him.

"You've spent an awful lot of time with this guy," he says.

"Ya. And?"

"And nothing. It's just nice to see you with one guy rather than a bunch of them."

"Who said I'm only with Tyler?," I say.

Dad sighs. "You're a grown woman, so I can't tell you what to do. But don't hurt this guy. Dylan seems to really like him, so if you hurt him, then Dylan suffers too."

"Ya and we wouldn't want your favourite child to suffer," I scoff.

"Amy, I-"

"Save it," I say, cutting him off.

I open the front door, and walk out of the house, slamming it behind me. I get into my car and start driving to Tyler's place.

Traffic is good so it doesn't take me long to get to his place. I make my way up to his apartment.

I think about whether I should knock or not. I decide to just walk in. I open the door, and I'm greeted by Tyler's dogs.

"Hey cuties," I say, bending down to pet them.

Marshall licks my cheek, making me giggle. Cash nuzzles up against my chest, and I scratch his head, making him pant.

"Wow, the dogs are getting more action than me," Tyler says.

I get up from the ground, and join Tyler on the couch. His dogs follow behind me. He has one of those nasty smoothies in his hand.

"I swear, every time I come here, you're drinking one of those," I say.

"It's good," he says.

"It's repulsive."

"I know that's how you feel. So I made you a strawberry smoothie. It's on the kitchen counter," he tells me.

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