Chapter 40

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Amy's POV

"Amy, stop freaking out," Drea says with a laugh, sitting on the chair in my room, watching me take clothes out of my closet.

"I'm not freaking out," I say, defending myself.

"Yes, you are. Look at the mess you made," she tells me.

I look at my bed, and the ground around it. There's clothes everywhere. Almost nothing is left hanging in my closet or folded in my drawers. I've made a mess looking for the perfect outfit.

"Are you just realizing how crazy you are?," Drea jokes.

"You would be freaking out too if you were in my situation," I say.

"I've met Jamie's family multiple times," she says. "And they love me."

"Well I'm meeting Tyler's family, and being introduced as the girl he's hooking up with, but not dating and is just friends with. There's so many factors that they can judge me on. And I'm not going to let my outfit be one of them."

"It would be a lot easier if you just dated the guy," Drea remarks.

"It's not that simple," I say.

"Ya, ya. I know. You like Terrance. Plus you have your own personal issues, whatever those are, that make you not want to date."

I smile at the mention of Terrance's name. Memories of last night flash through my head. We went go-karting, which was so much fun. I beat Terrance every round. Although, I'm pretty sure he let me win.

Then we went back to his place, and he made us dinner. It was surprisingly good, especially considering the fact that his main dish to make is mac and cheese. We had ice cream for dessert, and I fed him, purposely smearing it onto his nose.

After dinner, we went up to his room. We tried to watch a movie on his big screen tv, but failed. We grew too distracted by each other. The electricity between us too strong to ignore.

I vividly remember the way his body felt on mine. The way the sweat dripped from his hair. The way he gently kissed me. The way he moaned when he finished.

"Amy," Drea shouts, throwing a piece of clothing at me.

"What?," I say, breaking from my thoughts.

"I was asking you what you wore when you first met Terrance's parents," she says.

"Well I first met them at work, so I had my work clothes on," I tell her. "But meeting them for the first time was different because I wasn't involved with Terrance then."

"Yenno what we need?," Drea says.


"A guy's opinion. I'll tell Jamie to come up from the basement to help," she tells me.

Drea gets up from the chair, and opens the door, leaving the room. She walks out into the hall, and goes downstairs. I hear her open the basement door, but I don't hear her walk down. Instead, she decides to yell from the top of the stairs.

"Jamie, get your butt up here. We need your help," she yells.

"I'm busy," he shouts back. "I'm finally beating this kid in a game."

"Well pause your game, and come up. You can keep playing later," she tells him.

"This better be quick," he says.

I hear Drea walking back up the stairs, returning to my room and taking a seat on the chair again. In a minute, Jamie comes upstairs, knocking on my door to make sure it's ok to enter.

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