Chapter 17

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Tyler's POV

*Amy, I'm coming over* I text her.

*Ok see you soon* she replies with a winky face emoji.

I say goodbye to Marshall and Cash, making sure that they have food and water in their bowls. I grab my wallet and car keys, and put my wallet into my sweats.

I head downstairs to the parking lot, and get into my car. I get a little caught up in traffic, but then finally arrive at Amy's house.

I walk up to the porch, and ring the doorbell. A minute later, Amy opens the door with a smile on her face, and I walk inside the house.

"Where is everyone?," I ask as she locks the door.

"Dad's at work and Dylan has practice," she says.

I follow behind Amy upstairs to her room. I go sit on her bed, and Amy puts away some clothes that are in a laundry basket. It's half full, so I'm assuming she was doing this before I arrived.

"So how was work?," I ask.

"Not that bad today. It wasn't very busy," she tells me.

"Hey, that's my favourite bra," I say, pointing to the blue lace bra in her hand that has a bow and rhinestones on it. "It brings out your eyes."

"Really? When I'm wearing this, you're really looking at my eyes?," she asks with a chuckle.

"I admire all your beauty."

Amy blushes and finishes putting away her clothes. She puts the basket into her closet, and then joins me on her bed.

I put my arm around her waist, and she leans her head onto my chest. Lying like this just feels so peaceful. I wish we could stay like this forever.

"So what do you want to do?," Amy asks.

"Uhh we could just watch Netflix and chill," I say.

She giggles. "I know that 'Netflix and chill' doesn't actually mean that."

"That's true, but I know it's your time of the month, so today that actually just means Netflix and chill, and nothing more."

"How do you know it's my time of the month?," she asks.

"I have it marked on my calendar," I tell her.

"You have my period marked down on your calendar?"

"Ya so I know if I need to bring condoms or chocolates."

"So you brought chocolates?," she asks.

"Yupp," I say with a smile, and pull out a chocolate bar from the pocket of my sweats.

"You're the best," Amy says and gives me a kiss, taking the chocolate from me.

"I also brought a chocolate flavoured condom in case you wanted to give me a blow job," I say and pull the condom out.

She laughs into my chest. "I think wearing a condom during a blow job just defeats the purpose of a blow job."

"I like the way you think," I say with a smirk, and put the condom back in my pocket.

"I'm sure you do."

Amy gets off the bed, and grabs her laptop off of her work desk. I smile at the photo of the two of us on the desk. And cringe at the photo of her and Terrance.

It worries me how close the two of them have gotten. She says there's nothing there, but there could be. She disliked me a bit when I bribed her out on a date, and now we're as close as two people can get. So she could definitely be the same way with Terrance. Even if he is a geek.

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