Chapter 5

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Amy's POV

As I'm sitting in my room, browsing through Twitter on my laptop, I hear something hit my window. I figure that it's just a bee or something, so I ignore it. But a couple seconds later, I hear it again. I ignore it once more.

When I hear the noise for the third time, I decide to get up and check it out. I close my laptop, and get off the bed. I get to the window, and look outside. I see Tyler standing there on the driveway, and he waves at me. I open my window.

"What are you doing?," I shout.

"I came to see you," he yells back.

"And you couldn't ring the doorbell like a normal person?"

"I thought this was more romantic," he says.

I roll my eyes and smile. "Romance really isn't my thing."

"That smile on your face says different," he says with a smirk. "Now come down so I can stop yelling."

"Ok I'm coming," I yell.

I close the window, and then head downstairs. I put on a pair of flip flops, and head outside. I walk towards Tyler and he smiles at me.

"Hi," he says.


"I hope I didn't disturb you."

"No, it's fine. I wasn't doing anything," I say.

"Ok good."

"Hey, how'd you know which window was mine?," I ask.

Tyler shrugs. "Lucky guess."

"Any particular reason why you're here?"

"I was just in the neighbourhood and decided to drop by," he says. "Was wondering if you were hungry or something."

"Kinda convenient that you just so happened to be in the neighbourhood around lunch time," I say.

"Ya that's some coincidence. So want to go get lunch?"

"I can't. I can't leave Dylan home alone," I tell him.

"So then bring him along," Tyler says.


"Ya sure. I love kids, and he seems like a cool kid."

"Ok, well I'll go get him," I say and go back into the house.

"Dylan," I shout up the stairs.

"What?," Dylan shouts back.

"Come downstairs," I say.


"Just do it," I order.

Dylan comes out of his room, and walks downstairs.

"What is it?," he asks.

"I have a little surprise for you," I tell him.

"A surprise?"

"Ya, it's out on the driveway. Let's go."

Dylan follows me out onto the driveway. He sees Tyler and quickly runs to him. He hugs Tyler, and I can't help but smile at how cute it is.

"Hey buddy, how you doing?," Tyler says.

"Good," Dylan says, still hugging Tyler. "How are you?"

"I'm good. Thanks for asking bud."

"So what are you doing here?," Dylan asks, and lets go of Tyler.

"I just came to visit you and Amy," Tyler says.

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