Chapter 60

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Tyler's POV

I stop dead in my tracks. My anger begins to fade away. Did I really just hear what I think I heard? Did Amy just say that she loves me? No, there's no way that she said that. I must've misheard her.

"Tyler Paul Seguin, I love you. You can't just walk away from me," Amy shouts from behind me.

I turn around, and look back at Amy. Her words replay in my head. She loves me. She finally said that she loves me. A smile spreads across my face, and tears start welling up in my eyes. The girl I love, loves me back. I've been waiting for this moment forever.

I look at Amy, and I'm able to see the tears running down her cheeks even from where I'm standing. I start to run towards Amy, picking her up into my arms. I hold her close to my body as she buries her face into the crook of my neck. I can feel her tears hitting my skin, and seeping into my shirt.

"Please don't give up on me," she mumbles between sobs. "I can't live without you."

"I'm not going anywhere," I say, kissing her cheek. "I was just hurt when I said that I was done with you. But I didn't mean it. I could never be done with you."

Amy holds me tighter, grasping onto my shirt. I rub my hand up and down her back, trying to soothe her. I caused Amy these tears. I hurt her when I said that I was giving up on us. Although, maybe hurting Amy wasn't a bad thing in this case. Her pain led her to realize that she loves me.

In a few minutes, Amy begins to sniffle, and pulls away from the hug. I put both of my hands on her cheeks, wiping away Amy's dried up tears as she stares into my eyes. Her eyes look bluer than ever. The longer I stare into her eyes, the more my legs start to feel like jello. If Amy wasn't holding onto me, I wouldn't be able to stand.

I press my lips onto Amy's, feeling the familiar sparks that there always are when our lips come in contact with each other. Only now the sparks feel more intense because now Amy has finally admit that she loves me. This isn't like any other kiss that I've ever had in my life. This one is filled with more passion than I've ever experienced before.

The world around us washes away. The trees, the cars, the streetlights, the buildings, everything around us goes away. It's just Amy and I standing here in each other's arms while our lips move together in perfect unison. I don't want to pull away and return to reality, but we both pull away to catch our breaths.

"I love you so much," Amy says, resting her forehead against mine. "I don't know how to love someone, but I do know that I love you."

"Amy, you say that you don't know how to love, but you do," I tell her. "I've known that you love me for a while now. I've just been waiting for you to say it."

"How could you have known when I didn't even know?," she asks.

"Because I can see how much you love me in everything that you do. They way you wave goodbye to me when I'm backing out of your driveway. The way you wrap your arm around my stomach, and listen to my heartbeat when you lie on my chest. The way you smile a little bigger when I catch you doing something dorky. The way you blush, and roll your eyes when I say something cheesy. The way you stroke my hair until I fall asleep. The way you poke my cheeks just to see my dimples. The way your eyes sparkle when they're looking into mine. The way you bite your lip when I scratch the back of my head. The way you cheer loudly for me at my games, and always give me a thumbs up for good luck. The way you dropped everything, and showed up to Boston to get me back. The way that you only trust me with everything about yourself. The way you nuzzle into my neck when you're sad, and need comfort. The way you giggle when I say something that's not even that funny. The way you blush, and look down at the ground every time that I call you 'Amelia'. The way you kiss me with all the passion in the world. The way you intertwine our fingers together every time that I grab your hand. The way your heart beats a little faster when you're with me. You might not have known that you love me, but I did because every little thing that you do is done with love. So Amy, you know how to love someone, you just didn't know how to say it."

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