Chapter 55

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Amy's POV

While sitting by the pool with my sketchbook, and watching Dylan swim around in the pool, I hear a car horn go off. I recognize the horn as Tyler's and get up from my place, leaving the sketchbook on the ground.

I don't bother to cover myself up, and walk towards the gate in my bikini. I walk around the side of the house, making my way towards the front. As I come around, I see Tyler walking towards the front door.

"Wait Tyler, we're back here," I shout.

Tyler quickly turns around, and smiles as he sees me. He starts to walk towards me, and as he gets closer, I get a better look at him. He looks pale, and sweaty. His hands shake a little. He looks sick, but I know that he's not. I recognize this look, having witnessed dad go through the same thing. Although dad's symptoms were much worse.

"You look awful," I say, putting my hand on Tyler's cheek and instantly feeling his fever.

"This is what it looks like to be over a week sober," he says. "But don't worry, I look worse than I actually feel. My headache is less now, and I've stopped vomiting. And before my whole body was shaking, but now it's just my hands."

"Well I'm happy to hear that you're doing better, but I thought we agreed that you wouldn't come over here until you were completely better?," I say. "Because we didn't want Dylan to start asking questions about what's wrong."

"I know that's what we said, but I can't help it. I miss the little guy," Tyler says.

"He misses you too. He keeps asking when you're going to come over ever since he found out that we made up," I tell him.

"Well I'm here, so let's go make the kid happy," he says, kissing my cheek.

"Can you just wipe off some of your sweat first?," I ask.


Tyler lifts his shirt up, using the bottom of it to wipe the sweat off from his face. I can't help but stare at his abs when he does this. Tyler and I have made up, but we haven't had sex yet. That was another thing that we agreed to wait to do until he got better.

"Are you checking me out?," Tyler asks with a smirk, putting his shirt down.

"Maybe," I say, blushing.

"Good because I haven't been able to properly focus since I got here because of your damn body in that bikini," he says. "That's seriously not fair to do to me when we're trying to wait."

"Well you got your little revenge with flashing your abs at me, so now let's go," I tell him, grabbing his hand.

I start walking back to the backyard, dragging Tyler behind me. I can feel his eyes burning through my skin as he stares at my body from behind. I turn around to look at him, and he quickly looks away from me with pink cheeks from blushing.

I roll my eyes and giggle, continuing to lead Tyler to the pool. As soon as we get to the back, Dylan sees Tyler. He immediately gets out of the pool, and runs to Tyler. Tyler engulfs Dylan into a big bear hug. The water from Dylan's wet body seeps through Tyler's clothes, but it doesn't seem like he minds.

"I missed you, buddy," Tyler says.

"I missed you too, Tyler. Why didn't you come see me before?," Dylan asks.

"Well uhh I was busy taking care of some things," he tells Dylan. "I'm still busy with those things, but I just had to come see you because I was missing my little brother too much."

"What were you busy with?," Dylan questions.

"Just some grown up stuff. It's not important. All that matters is that I'm here now, and we're gunna hangout today."

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