Chapter 48

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Tyler's POV

"Please don't go," I beg as I watch Amy pack the final few articles of clothing into her suitcase.

"Tyler, we've gone over this a hundred times. I'm going," Amy says.

"I still don't get why you have to go," I say.

"Because it's his birthday, and he asked me to come along. And I don't want to say no to him, and hurt his feelings."

"What about my feelings?," I remark. "Do they not matter?"

Amy sighs. "Of course your feelings matter, but it's just the weekend. And his parents will be there."

"A lot can happen during the span of a weekend," I point out.

"Tyler, please stop being so paranoid," she says.

"Amelia, I can't just stop being paranoid. You like this guy, so obviously I'm going to worry about you spending your whole weekend with him at his cabin. I mean, you won't even stay at my place for one night, and you're going to stay with him?"

"I'm not going to be sleeping in the same room as him," she tells me.

"He could charm you into staying in the same room," I say.

"Look," Amy says, grabbing my face. "I get that this worries you, and scares you. You don't want me to fall for Terrance. But you said you want me to be happy, so then let me go away for the weekend. Let me go relax and have fun. It's not like I'm going to fall for him anyways. I don't want to be in love. So please just trust me when I say that when I return after this weekend that nothing will be different."

Amy looks straight into my eyes. Her eyes beg me to allow her to leave without a fight. She wants me to surrender to her ways. To understand that she needs this weekend with him, away from me. As much as I can't stand the thought of her being with Terrance, she's right, I just want her to be happy.

"Ok go," I say. "Just don't forget about me this weekend."

"I could never forget about you," she says, kissing my cheek.

Amy lets go of me, and turns back around to finish packing the remaining clothes. I sit down onto the chair in her room, and watch her as she finishes packing. I quietly laugh at the amount of concentration on her face as she figures out how to pack everything.

Amy closes her suitcase, and takes it off her bed and puts it down onto the ground. She starts to change the clothes that she's wearing into the pair of shorts and the shirt that she had laid out on her bed earlier.

She takes off the clothes that were on her body, revealing a matching bra and underwear from Victoria's Secret that I went with her to buy. I smirk, remembering going into the change room with her and watching her try on the various undergarments. And then taking her home right after to show her how much I enjoyed watching her.

My smirk quickly fades into a frown when I realize that I won't be the one seeing her in her bra and underwear this weekend. Terrance will be. The thought of him seeing her in the pieces of clothing that I bought her, makes me sick.

I can imagine Terrance lying on top of Amy, touching and kissing every part of her skin. I can imagine him removing the clothes from her body, and tossing the pieces of clothing aside like they were nothing. And I can imagine Amy enjoying every moment of it with every fibre in her body.

"Are you ok?," Amy asks while putting her shirt on, snapping me out of my thoughts. "You look tense."

"Ya, I'm fine," I say. "Just thinking."

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