Chapter 52

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Amy's POV

I hear loud banging at the front door. I get up from the couch, and walk towards the door. The banging doesn't stop until I finally open the door. And when I do open it, I see Drea standing there.

"Look, I understand that you and Tyler got into a fight and all," Drea says, moving past me and walking into the house. "But that doesn't mean that you can just forget about me and stop talking to me."

"Please do come in," I sarcastically say with a chuckle while closing the door.

"Shut up, Amy! I'm being serious. I haven't seen you or spoken to you in forever. I thought I'd give you some time and space, but this is just getting ridiculous. I miss my best friend."

I sigh. "I miss you too, Drea. I've just been going through a lot emotionally and mentally. And to be honest, I just didn't want to see you."

"Why not?," she questions.

"Because I knew seeing you would just remind me of Tyler," I explain.

"What difference does it make? You're probably thinking about him twenty four seven anyways," she remarks.

"Ya, but I don't want to be," I say.

"So you thought shutting me out would be helpful?," Drea says.

"No, I-"

"Because what would really be helpful is talking to someone about everything that's going on. And I'm always here to listen and help you," she tells me.

"Well do you want to go up to my room to talk then?," I ask.

"Girl, I'm practically halfway up the stairs already," she says, beginning to walk upstairs.

I chuckle, quickly turning off the tv and then following Drea upstairs to my room. When I get up there, Drea is already sitting on my bed. I pull up the chair, bringing it in front of the bed and then sitting down.

"So what exactly happened between you and Tyler?," Drea asks. "All he told anyone is that you guys got into a fight. He has given zero details to anyone on what actually happened."

"Well basically Tyler took my phone without me knowing, and texted Terrance to come over. And then when Terrance got here, he saw Tyler and I kissing. So then Terrance got mad and left, and I tried to go after him to explain myself, and he listened to me, but he was still really upset. He told me to choose between him and Tyler. When I said nothing, he took that as me choosing Tyler. And I haven't spoken to Terrance in a while. He told me he loves me, but he needs space to move on. And then I saw him with another girl, so I guess he has moved on."

"So you're mad that Tyler ruined things between you and Terrance?," she questions.

"That's part of it. I started yelling at Tyler that he had no right to that and sabotage things, and he started to tell me that he only did it because the pain from me being with Terrance was too much. I just wouldn't listen to Tyler because I was so angry. Terrance was always so innocent in all of this. He knew nothing about me and my past, but Tyler did. I was pissed that Tyler put me in a situation where I was forced to choose when I wasn't ready. I never got to figure out which one of those two that I wanted. And now they're both gone, and I still don't know."

"I still don't understand why you guys haven't worked things out," Drea says. "Ya, what Tyler did was shitty and unfair, and ya, you've caused him a lot of pain, but that's all stuff that you guys could work out."

"Well there's something else that happened," I say.

"What was it?"

"Tyler was getting irritated that I wouldn't listen to him or try to understand where he was coming from. So he started yelling at me, and he grabbed my arm. Like he grabbed it really tight, and it started hurting. It actually bruised later too. But anyways, when he grabbed me, it scared me and brought back memories of my childhood. I started freaking out, and getting flashbacks. I got scared of Tyler. He said he would never hurt me like that, and then he did. I just broke down, and started crying. He tried to comfort me, but when he tried to touch me again, I just freaked out more. I yelled at him to leave, and so he left. And he hasn't come back since then."

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