Chapter 25

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Amy's POV

I lie on my chest, watching Tyler as he sleeps. He's turned to his side to face me. His cheek nuzzled up against his pillow.

His tattoos showing, and his hands are under his pillow. His hair is messy, but his beard is still perfect. His plump lips are parted. His eyelashes are long, and curled slightly upwards.

Tyler quietly snores, which makes me smile. The air escaping his mouth blows on my skin giving me goosebumps. He looks so peaceful in his sleep.

I brush aside his hair, and slowly lean up to kiss his forehead. I place a gentle kiss onto his skin, and slowly move off of the bed.

I tip toe around the room, picking up my clothes. I put them back on, and make my way out of the room, looking back one last time at Tyler sleeping on the bed.

I leave his room, not bothering to close the door. I weave my way through the rest of the apartment, passing by Marshall and Cash who are sleeping.

I exit out of the apartment, and put on my shoes. Then I walk down the hall, taking the elevator down to the main floor. I leave the building, and go out to my car.

I start the car, and look at the time. It's almost 1:00 in the morning. I start driving back home. The streets are pretty empty, and I get home in a few minutes.

I park the car on the driveway, and get out of the car, locking it. I make my way to the front door, and unlock it. I squeeze my way through the door, and lock it again behind me.

I place my keys on its hook, and slowly make my way up the stairs. I pass by Dylan's room, and the door is open. I peek inside, and see that Dylan's not there.

I notice the light on in dad's room. He will most likely know where Dylan is. I walk to his door, and open it.

"Hey dad, where's Dyl-"

"Amy," my dad yells, pushing the naked girl that was straddling him off his body.

"Oh my god," I say, turning around and walking down the hall, back down the stairs.

"Sweetie wait," my dad calls after me.

He follows me down the stairs, tying a robe around his body. He catches up to me, putting a hand on my shoulder and I shrug his hand away.

"Where's Dylan?," I ask in a harsh tone.

"He slept over at a friend's house," dad says.

"So no kids at home, and you decide to have a little friend over?," I say. "Have a little booty call?"

"Amy, it's not like that. I actually really like Karen."

"Oh so the whore's name is Karen?"

"She's not a whore," he defends.

"She looked a lot younger than you. Blonde. Nothing like mom," I say. "Do you remember her? Harper. The mother of your children."

"Of course I remember her. But it's been eight years. I'm allowed to move on," he says.

"Jerry, hunny, is everything ok?," Karen says, appearing at the top of the stairs dressed in only a tshirt.

"Jerry?," I say with a laugh.

"Karen, please go back inside the room," dad says with a sigh.

"Really? The next girl you get with after mom is her?," I say after she's back in the room.

"You just need to get to know her."

"I don't want to get to know the woman who fucks an older man when the children are away."

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