Chapter 59

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Tyler's POV

The sound of my phone going off scares me awake. I fall off my bed, landing on my ass on the ground. I groan, blindly reaching over for my phone. I see Drea's name on my screen, and answer it.

"Hello?," I groggily say into the phone.

"Hey, where are you?," Drea asks.

"At home. Why?," I question.

"You were supposed to be here to help get Jamie out of the house so that we could set up for his birthday party," she tells me.

"Shit Drea, I'm sorry. I'll come right now," I say.

"It's ok. Demers took him out instead," she says.

"Ok, well I'm sorry again," I tell her.

"It's fine. Just make sure that you and Amy are here in time before Jamie gets back," Drea tells me.

"How long do I have till then?," I ask.

"Like two hours."

"Wait, what time is it?," I say.

"Almost seven," she tells me.

"At night?," I exclaim.

"Yes, at night. Are you just waking up right now?," Drea asks.


"What time did you go to sleep?," she questions.

"I don't know. Sometime around five in the morning," I tell her.

"Let me guess, Amy was over," she says.

"Ya," I say with a smirk.

"Oh my god. Don't you guys ever get tired? Like doesn't her vagina start to hurt? Doesn't your dick need a break?"

I chuckle. "You clearly don't know how amazing sex with Amy is. She's so tight that you don't want to stop."

"Ew, don't talk about my best friend like that," Drea says. "We need to put a leash on you to get you to stop humping her."

"No leash can hold me back," I remark.

"Ok whatever, I have to get going," she tells me. "I'll see you soon."

"Ok bye," I say, hanging up the phone.

I get up from the ground, keeping the sheets wrapped around my waist to cover my naked body. I put my phone back on the beside table. I look back at my bed, and plop back down on it. I let out a sigh while lying on my stomach.

I look over to Amy's side of the bed. Even though she never stays the night, that's still her side of the bed. She always lies there while stroking my hair until I fall asleep. And then she's gone. She's always gone the next day. I want to just wake up one morning with Amy next to me. I want her face to be the first thing I see every morning.

I reach over for the pillow on Amy's side of the bed. I bring the pillow close to my body, cuddling up next to it. I nuzzle my face into the soft fabric, and instantly smell Amy's familiar scent on the pillow. I smile into the pillow, holding it tighter. I feel my eyes getting heavier as Amy's scent relaxes me.

I quickly open my eyes again, and sit up in bed, remembering that I'm supposed to be getting ready for Jamie's birthday party. I put the pillow back where it belongs, and get off the bed. I leave the sheets on the bed. I feel cold as the air hits my naked body as I walk over to the washroom.

As soon as I get into the washroom, I hop into the shower. I let the warm water wash down my body as I grab the shampoo. I wash my hair, and then grab the body wash to wash my body. Then I step out of the shower, drying off and wrapping a towel around my body.

How To Love (Tyler Seguin)Where stories live. Discover now