Chapter 53

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Amy's POV

"Amy, wake up," Dylan yells, shaking my shoulder.

"What's wrong?," I ask, rubbing my eyes.

"Dad got called into work, so you need to take me to my practice," he says.

"How much time do I have to get ready?," I groan, sitting up in bed.

"Like twenty minutes," he tells me.

"Ok, let me go brush and stuff, and I'll meet you downstairs," I say.

Dylan nods, and leaves my room. I look over to my clock, seeing that it's two in the afternoon. I've slept for more than twelve hours. I guess that's fine, since I don't have to work today and I'm done with exams.

I get out of bed, and leave my room. I head to the washroom, and lock the door. I quickly brush my teeth, and wash my face. Then I leave the washroom, going back to my room. I change out of my pyjamas into a pair of tights and a tshirt. Then I leave my room, and go downstairs.

Dylan is already by the door, ready with all his equipment. I grab my car keys, and put on a pair of flats. Then we leave the house, and I drive Dylan to practice. There's barely any traffic, so it doesn't take long for me to drop Dylan off and come back home.

As soon as I walk through the door of the house, my stomach starts rumbling. I decide to take a quick shower before I make myself anything to eat. I head on upstairs, and go to the washroom. I hop into the shower, and wash my hair and body. Then I put my clothes back on, and head downstairs.

I go into the kitchen, and look through the fridge and cupboards for something to eat. I decide to make myself some chicken wraps. I take out the chicken fingers from the freezer, and put them into the toaster oven. I take out the tortilla bread, lettuce, cheese, and sauce.

Once the chicken fingers are cooked, I take them out of the toaster oven. I cut them up into smaller pieces. Then I put sauce onto two of the tortilla breads. I put the chicken, cheese, and lettuce into the wraps. I close the wraps, and then grab myself a glass of juice.

I put everything that I didn't use back where I got them from. Then I carry my plate, and glass with me into the other room. I sit down onto the couch, and turn on the tv. I start to eat my food while watching whatever random show I flipped to.

As I finish my first wrap, and begin to eat my second one, the doorbell rings. I move my plate off my lap, and set it down onto the coffee table. I get up from the couch, and make my way towards the door. When I open it, Drea and Jamie stand outside the door.

"Hey, what brings you guys over here?," I say, gesturing for them to come inside.

"We really need to talk to you," Jamie says in a serious tone.

"Is something wrong?," I ask, closing the door behind them.

"Yes something is wrong," he says.

"With Tyler," Drea adds.

"What happened? Is he hurt? Is he in the hospital?," I question.

"He'll end up in the hospital if he keeps doing what he's doing," Jamie remarks.

"What's he doing?"

Jamie sighs, and walks over to the recliner. He sits down, leaning forward in the seat. He puts his elbows on his knees, covering his face with his hands. I sit down on the couch, and Drea sits down on the arm of the couch.

"Jamie, just tell me what's going on," I say.

"Tyler has been drinking. Like drinking a lot. He comes to practices drunk. He even plays games drunk sometimes. None of us guys want to snitch him out, so I said I'd keep my eye on him. I've gone to his place a few times to check on him, and every time I went there, there were empty bottles everywhere and the whole place reeked of alcohol. And I always found Tyler either passed out on the floor, on his bed, on his couch, and even one time, on his pool table. I've never seen Tyler drink this much before. And it's not even like he's drinking for fun with buddies. He's just drinking by himself. He's slowly killing his liver one drink at a time. He's not the same Tyler anymore."

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