Chapter 21

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Amy's POV

I walk past Grace who is taking the order of a table. I make my way to table eight that Rachel had just seated.

As I get closer, I recognize the back of the guy's head. Terrance is sitting with an older man and woman. I'm assuming that it's his parents.

"Hey," I say with a smile as I stand in front of their table.

"Hey Amy. I didn't know you were working today," Terrance says.

"Really? I thought I told you that I was."

"Oh maybe you did. I don't remember," he says with a shrug, but I can tell that he's lying.

"So you're Amy? Terrance never stops talking about you," the man says.

"Dad..," Terrance whines, turning slightly red.

"Well now we can see why he never stops," his mom says. "You're absolutely gorgeous."

"Aww thank you. It's nice to meet you guys, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews," I say.

"Please call us Julie and Ian," she says.

"Ok," I say with a smile.

"Wow you really are so beautiful," she tells me.

"Ya, we're happy that Terrance finally has a female friend. We were starting to think that he might be gay," Ian says. "Although there's nothing wrong with that."

"Oh my god, dad stop," Terrance says, hiding his face in his hands.

I laugh. "Well Terrance is a nice guy, and I'm happy to be his friend."

Terrance moves his hands away, and smiles at me. I bite my lip and smile back.

"So uhh, can I start you guys off with some drinks?," I say, taking out my notepad and pen.

"We'll all just take water," Julie says.

"Ok," I say with a nod. "Are you guys ready to order or do you still need some time?"

"I think we're ready," Ian says.

They tell me their orders, and I write it down. I take their menus from them and head to the kitchen to give their orders. Then I head back to their table, and give them their waters.

I leave them, and start to wait on some other tables. I feel like someone's watching me, and I turn to see Terrance looking at me from his seat.

His parents are talking to each other, and Terrance ignores them. He smiles at me and waves. I blush and wave back.

He takes a sip from his water, and smiles again. When he smiles, water spills out of his mouth onto his shirt. I laugh at him as he turns red, and cleans himself off. He's such a dork.

I head back to the kitchen, and grab their orders. I take it to their table, and set down their plates in front of them.

"Thank you dear," Julie says.

"You're welcome," I say. "Let me know if you need anything else."

I give Terrance a wink before I leave the table when his parents aren't looking. His cheeks turn pink, and he smiles, pasta sauce smeared on his face.

I leave their table, and continue working. My shift is ending soon. Once Terrance's family leaves, I can go because they're my last table left.

They finish eating, and I clear off their plates. I give them their cheque, and some mints. Once they pay, I take the money to one of the registers in the restaurant. His parents gave me a generous tip.

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