Chapter 19

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Tyler's POV

Finally the season has begun. We did good during the preseason, but now it's time to play the games that really matter.

Our first game is tonight in Dallas against the Vancouver Canucks. I think that we can win it. I really hope that we do because Amy and Dylan will be in the crowd tonight. This will be the first time she'll see me play.

I actually feel nervous about that. I want to play well today to impress Amy. Before it wouldn't have mattered, but now she actually knows things about hockey. So she'll know if I'm playing well or not.

*Amy, come over* I text her.

*Ok, I'm just on my way home from work. I'll stop by* she replies back.

I wait on the couch for Amy to come over. In about ten minutes, the doorknob turns, and Amy walks in. Marshall runs to her, and she bends down to hug him.

"So any special reason why you wanted me to come over?," Amy asks, and walks over to me, sitting down onto the couch.

"I'm just feeling nervous, and wanted you to come over and calm me down," I say.

"Nervous for the game?"


"Why? You know you'll do great," she says.

"Ya, but this is the first game you'll be at. Or that Dylan will be at," I explain.

"Shouldn't that make you less nervous? Having two people there supporting you."

"I guess so, but I don't know, I just don't want to mess up."

"You need to relax," Amy says, and kisses my cheek.

My stomach rumbles, and Amy laughs.

"And you need to eat," she adds.

"Well I mean if you insist," I say with a smirk, moving my hand up her thigh.

"No, not that," Amy says, hitting my hand. "Actual food."

"Well I was gunna make some pasta for my pregame meal," I say.

"Then make it."

"It's healthy though. So I don't know if you'll want it."

"I like your cooking," she says. "Just not your smoothies."

"Ok, well then I'll start cooking," I say, getting up from the couch.

Amy follows behind me to the kitchen. I start taking out the vegetables, and boil the pasta in some water. Then I begin making the sauce.

Amy starts cutting the vegetables, and she does a horrible job. They're not evenly cut, and are in big chunks.

"Ok, you're done," I say.

I take the knife out of her hand. I pick her up, and put her up onto the kitchen counter.

"Just sit here, and look pretty while I cook," I tell her.

I poke her nose, which makes her giggle and she scrunches up her nose. I kiss her cheek, and then get back to cooking. She takes out her phone and starts to play some music.

I finish cutting the vegetables, and drain the pasta. I mix in the sauce, and throw in the vegetables. I cook everything together, stirring it over the heat.

I sing to the song that Amy's playing, using the wooden spoon as my microphone. Amy laughs, and starts to record me using my phone.

I finish making the food, and place it down onto the table. I set the table for Amy and I. She turns off the music, and gets off the counter. I grab her hand, and lead her to the table. I take her chair out for her, and she sits down.

How To Love (Tyler Seguin)Where stories live. Discover now