Chapter 57

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Tyler's POV

"How does this one look?," Amy asks, facing me as she tries on another dress.

"Again, you look incredible," I say. "But I still don't see why it matters what you wear. Your gown will be covering your dress anyways."

"Because it's my graduation. And I'm only going to be graduating as a pharmacist once in my life," she tells me. "Plus after the ceremony, they take the gowns back, and I know that you guys are going to want to take pictures."

"I'm gunna want to do a lot more than just pictures," I say with a smirk.

"Well what dress makes you want to do the most to me?," she asks, smirking back at me.

"The light blue one," I tell her. "It makes your eyes stand out more. Plus it's tight in all the right places, and makes your boobs and ass look amazing."

"Which blue one are you talking about?," she questions, looking into her closet.

I get up from her bed, and walk over to her closet. I put my hands on her hips, and pick her up to move her out of my way. Amy giggles as I lift her up. I put her down, and kiss her cheek. Then I start going through her closet, searching for the dress that I was talking about. I take it out, and hand it to Amy.

Amy takes the dress off the hanger, and lays it down on her bed. She takes off the dress she has on, and my eyes immediately fall on her ass. I feel a smile creeping on my face, and force myself to look away before I act on my feelings. Amy slips the dress on over her body, and turns back to face me.

"I need you to zip me up," she says.

I nod, and move to where she's standing in front of the mirror. I put a hand on her waist, and zip up her dress to the top. Amy looks at herself in the mirror, straightening out her dress. I move her hair aside, and kiss her shoulder. She looks at me through the mirror, and I stare right back at her.

"It's not fair," Amy says, turning around to face me.

"What?," I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"That you can look so good without even trying," she says, straightening out my coat and tie.

"Well actually I did try today," I tell her. "I put of this suit, styled my hair, and used my best cologne just for you. Because a beautiful girl like you deserves to have a well dressed man by her side. Also on a day highlighting your achievements, I want to look the best for you."

"Well you sure did clean up nicely," Amy says, biting her lip and putting her arms around my neck.

"How much time do we have before we need to go?," I ask, squeezing her ass.

"Not enough time for that," she tells me with a chuckle, moving my hands off of her.

Amy moves away from me, and starts to do her hair and makeup in front of her mirror on the ground. While she does that, she asks me to take out her white heels from her closet. As I grab them, Amy gets up from the ground, and sprays some perfume on herself. She walks to me to get the heels from me, but I don't give them to her.

"What are you doing?," Amy asks.

"Sit on the bed," I tell her.

She gives me a confused look, but listens to me. She sits down on the bed, and I kneel down in front of her. I grab Amy's ankle, and lift her leg up. Amy blushes and giggles as I slip the heel onto her foot. Then I put the other heel onto her other foot.

"Look Prince Charming, the shoe fit," Amy jokes.

"C'mon Cinderella, we have a ball to go to."

I get up from the ground, and in one swift motion, I scoop up Amy into my arms. Amy laughs as she wraps her arms around my neck while I carry her bridal style out of her room. I notice Amy staring at me from the corner of my eye as I carry her downstairs. I look down at her smiling face, and place a gentle kiss to her lips.

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