Chapter 56

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Amy's POV

"Don't go," Tyler whines.

He pulls me back into the bed. He tightly wraps his arm around my waist, pushing my back up against his chest. Tyler buries his face into my neck, attacking my skin with a series of kisses. I giggle as his beard tickles me.

"I have to go," I say. "Dad wants to go to this stupid lunch with Dylan and I, and Karen."

"Skip it," Tyler mumbles, nibbling on my ear.

"I can't. Dad's been planning this for days, and he'll be pissed at me if I don't go," I tell him.

"Fine, go," he says, releasing me from his hold. "But you better come back later tonight for round two."

I roll my eyes, blushing as I get out of the bed. As I pick up my clothes from the ground, Tyler turns over to lie on his back. He puts his arms behind his head, and watches me as I put my clothes back on. I find Tyler's shirt on the ground, and toss it at his face to get him to stop staring at me.

"That was rude," Tyler says, moving his shirt off his face. "I was enjoying the view."

"Ya, I can see that," I say, gesturing towards the bulge under the covers.

"You're really cruel for leaving me when I'm all worked up," he says.

"I'll be back later," I tell him, walking towards the room's door.

"Wait, you didn't give me a kiss goodbye," Tyler pouts.

I giggle, walking back towards Tyler on the bed. I lean down, putting my hand on his chest while I give him a kiss. As soon as my lips touch his, I find it hard for me to pull away. I just want to stay here, and keep kissing him. But I reluctantly force myself to pull away.

"I'll see you later," I say, heading back to the door.

I leave his room, and I'm instantly met with Marshall and Cash who are sitting right in front of the door. My cheeks warm up at the thought that they probably heard everything that went on on the other side of the door. I bend down to give them both a kiss, and then walk past them.

Marshall follows behind me while Cash goes the other way, and walks into Tyler's room. I walk through the apartment, going to the door. I open the door, and wave goodbye to Marshall before leaving. Then I make my way out of the building, going out to my car and beginning to drive home.

As soon as I get home, I go straight up to the washroom. I step into the shower, and wash off the dried up sweat on my body and in my hair. When I get out of the shower, I look at myself in the mirror while I dry myself off.

There are hickeys on my body, just like there were months ago when we first moved here. Only now there are less hickeys than there used to be. And now the marks on my body are only from one man, and I know exactly when I got them. They were also given to me by someone who loves me instead of someone who just wants to use me for sex.

I move my fingers over the fresh mark on my collarbone. I poke the tender area, slightly wincing. Then I break into a smile as I think about the memory of how I got it. I shake my head, and roll my eyes at my own thoughts.

I wrap the towel around my body, and leave the washroom. I hurry down the hall to my room, and lock the door behind me. I put on a bra and underwear, and start to look through my closet for something to wear. I find a simple light pink dress that I bought with Tyler a few days ago.

I slip the dress on, and then start doing my hair and makeup. I decide to curl my hair since I haven't done that in a while. And I know that Tyler really likes it when I curl my hair, and I'm planning to see him later tonight. I then spray on some perfume, and put on some heels.

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