Chapter 2

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Amy's POV

I'm woken up by the sunlight shining on my face. I slowly open my eyes, and see my dad in my room, opening up the curtains.

"Rise and shine sweetheart," he says.

I roll my eyes at him, and close my eyes and try to go back to sleep.

"C'mon wake up. We're going to go out for brunch. Dylan is getting ready right now," dad tells me.

I sigh, and reluctantly get out of bed. I go to the washroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. As I take off my clothes to take a shower, I look at myself in the mirror.

My light brown hair looks dry. I really need to wash it. There's tiny bags under my blue eyes. I notice a bunch of hickies on my body. On my neck, on my chest, and on my inner, upper thigh. I don't know if they're from the other night, or a different time.

I get into the shower, and let the hot water wash away all the stress from moving. After I wash my body and my hair, I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body.

I hurry down the hall into my room, and put on a bra and underwear. I look in my suitcase, that I'll have to unpack later, and pull out a shirt and shorts. Then I do my hair and makeup. I find a pair of toms in my box of shoes, and carry them downstairs with me.

Dad and Dylan are sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"You ready to go?," dad asks.

"Ya," I say.

"Dad said we're going to get groceries after we go out to eat," Dylan tells me.

We get out of the house. Dad locks the front door, and then we get into the car. I decide to sit in the front this time, and this seems to please dad, and he smiles at me.

"I was thinking tomorrow, we can go get you a car," dad says while driving.

"Ya, sounds good," I say.

The drive to the diner is pretty quiet, except for the radio playing in the car. It doesn't take that long to get there.

We go in, and sit down. The waitress takes our order, and a few minutes later, she brings us our food.

"So I start work the day after tomorrow," dad tells us.

"So it's just gunna be Amy and me?," Dylan asks.

"Ya, for the most part," dad says.

"I'm going to look for a job too," I say.

"That's good," dad says.

"Wait. If you work too then who will take care of me?," Dylan says.

"Well we would find a babysitter," dad tells him.

Dylan looks a little sad.

"Don't worry buddy. It would only be a part time job, so we'd still spend a lot of the summer together before we both start school," I say, and he gives me a little smile.

We finish eating, talking a bit while we eat. Dad pays for the meal, and then we go back into the car, and dad drives to the grocery store.


When we get back from the grocery store, it's around 2:00. The three of us all put away the food. Then Dylan and I help dad unpack some more boxes. We get majority of them unpacked. There's a few boxes that we're not too sure of where to put the things inside them.

Dylan and dad sit on the couch and watch tv together. I go upstairs into my room, and unpack my clothes. I play some music while I do this.

My phone starts ringing on the bed. I pause the music, and answer the phone.

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