Chapter 33

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Tyler's POV

I feel a warm tongue on my neck while I nap on the couch. I start to feel ticklish. I laugh, keeping my eyes closed.

"Amy stop," I say.

Cash barks into my ear. My eyes snap open, and I sit up on the couch. I laugh at myself for thinking that it was Amy. I haven't even seen her all day.

I scratch Cash's head, earning a bark of approval from him. I give him a kiss before I get off the couch. I walk into the kitchen, putting food and water into the dogs' bowls. Cash starts drinking from his bowl, and I leave the kitchen.

I walk to my room, not bothering to close the door behind me. I start going through my clothes, finding a pair of grey sweats, a plain black shirt, and a Stars hoodie. I put those on along with socks and shoes.

I check my phone, opening it up to the calendar to make sure that I have nothing planned for today. I have nothing scheduled, but I notice that Amy should've started her period yesterday.

I walk to my bedside table, opening up the bottom drawer. I take out some chocolates, and put them in my pocket for Amy.

I close the drawer, and then grab my coat from my closet. I grab a scarf and a toque as well since it's pretty chilly outside.

I make my way out of my room towards the front door. I say goodbye to Marshall and Cash on my way out. I head down to my car, sitting in it for a few minutes so that it can heat up.

Once the car is warm, I leave the parking lot and start heading to Amy's place. There's not too many cars on the road today, so it doesn't take me long to get there.

I ring the doorbell of the house. No one answers, so I ring it again. Finally, someone opens the door, and I smile down at Dylan.

"Hey buddy," I say with a smile, entering the house.

"Hey Tyler."

"How've you been?," I ask. "Enjoying your holidays?"

"Ya, I'm happy to have a break from school," he says. "Gives me more time to focus on hockey."

"I like the way you think," I say with a chuckle.

"So is there any special reason that you're here?," Dylan asks.

"Just one, and her name's Amy."

He giggles. "Well she's up in her room."

"Ok, thanks buddy," I say.

"She's been up there all day," he adds. "She only came out to eat."

"Well I'll go up there to check on her," I tell him. "Make sure she's doing ok."

"Ok. Tell me if she's ok," Dylan says.

"Will do kiddo," I say, starting to walk up the stairs.

As I approach the door to her room, I hear a bit of shuffling on the other side. I hear Amy groaning, and mumbling to herself.

I open the door slowly, and see Amy sitting on the ground of her room. She's wearing tights, and no makeup. She has one of my hoodies on. The sight of "Seguin" on the arm makes me smile.

She has papers spread out all around her, separated into different piles. She has a few papers in her hands, sorting them into a pile. Her eyes are wide, scanning over the papers.

"Hey, what are you doing?," I ask, walking more into the room, almost stepping on a pile of papers.

"Don't touch anything," she says, looking up at me with her wide eyes. "You'll mess everything up. I have everything sorted into separate classes. And then I separated the classes into its chapters."

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