Chapter 37

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Amy's POV

I keep checking the clock at work to see when I can get off. I have a few minutes left of my shift, and my last table is almost done.

Today has been hectic. I don't know why, but everyone just felt like coming to this restaurant to eat today. I've been on my feet all day, taking people's orders and bringing them their food.

The father of the family of my final table signals for the bill. I mentally jump for joy, and make my way towards them with the bill. He's paying with his credit card, so I hand him the machine.

I look away while he puts in his card in. I look towards the main entrance, and see a familiar veiny hand through the glass door. My stomach does flips at the sight of Tyler walking through the door.

The man hands me back the machine, and I give him his printed out receipt. I leave the family some mints, and tell them to have a good day. I return the machine to one of the registers, and then start to walk towards Tyler.

"What are you doing here?," I ask, giving him a hug.

"I thought I'd come visit you," he says, wiping sweat from his forehead.

"Why are you sweating? It's cold out," I say, pulling away from the hug.

"Because I walked here," he explains.

"You walked here?," I question. "Why? Is your car not working?"

"It's working, but I just thought that I'd walk here so that you could drive me home rather than us taking separate cars."

"You could've just told me to come over," I tell him. "You would've saved yourself the trip."

"I don't mind. I got some fresh air. And this way, it's a bit of a surprise for you," he says.

"Well you came at a good time because my shift is pretty much over."

"I know. I keep track of your schedule so I know how to plan things with you," Tyler tells me.

"Well you can follow me to the back," I tell him. "You can't go into the staff room, but you can wait outside."

He nods, and follows behind me as I walk to the staff room. I leave him outside the door, and go inside and grab my stuff from my locker. I put on my coat and toque, grabbing my purse. I punch out, and then leave the room.

When I get back outside, Grace, Chris, Rachel, Gary, and Rick are all around Tyler, talking to him. I join them, and Tyler puts his arm around my waist.

"Amy, you never said that the Tyler you're always talking about is Tyler freaking Seguin," Grace exclaims.

"I didn't think it made a difference," I say.

"Oh, it makes a difference," Chris says. "You're friends with a pro athlete, that's a big deal."

"And if that pro athlete is Tyler Seguin, that's an even bigger deal," Rachel adds.

"Well I just don't think it's that important," I tell them.

"Hey, get back to work," our manager yells.

Everyone says goodbye to Tyler and I. Tyler tells them that he'll stop by again some other time. Everyone gets back to work, and I leave the restaurant with Tyler.

I sit down in my car, blasting the heat to warm it up. I play around with the radio while we wait. Tyler watches me from the passenger's seat.

Once the car is warmed up, I reverse out of the parking lot, and start the drive to Tyler's place. Traffic moves at a steady pace, but I don't drive in a hurry.

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