Chapter 46

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Tyler's POV

"I still don't think this is a good idea," Amy says while on a step ladder, hanging up some streamers along the walls.

"Stop being such a party pooper," I say.

"I just don't think he's gunna react well to this. He's been really quiet all day like he always is on his birthday," she tells me.

"Then this is exactly what he needs to put a smile on his face."

"Look, I just think that-"

Amy loses her footing on the step ladder, and falls back, letting out a scream as she does. I quickly run to her, only being a few steps away. I catch her in my arms before she can hit the ground.

"Are you ok?," I ask. "Did you twist your ankle or anything?"

"I think I'm ok. My heart is just racing," she says. "Thank god, you caught me."

"Amelia, I'll always be here to catch you if you fall."

Amy smiles, and kisses my cheek. I lower her feet to the ground, helping her stand up. She gives me a hug, and holds me tightly. I can feel her heart beating quickly against my chest. I wonder if it's still racing from the fall, or if it's racing because of me.

"What was all the screaming about?," Brenda asks, carrying a bowl of dip for the chips in her hands.

"I fell off the ladder, and Tyler caught me," Amy says, moving away from the hug.

"I wouldn't mind falling into those arms," Brenda says with a laugh.

"Sorry Brenda, but these arms are only for Amy," I say, putting my hand on Amy's lower back and kissing her cheek.

"Well for one minute use your arms to help me set up out back," she says.


I move away from Amy, and follow Brenda to the backyard. I help her set up the table, and put the cloth on top. Then we place the various different foods on the table.

I examine the rest of the backyard. The bouncy castle is set up in one corner. The street hockey equipment sits against the fence, ready to be played with later. The pool is also ready since the weather is warmer now.

Inside the house, the basement is set up for the kids to play video games. Jamie is also coming with Drea, and agreed to do a meet and greet with the kids later on.

I finish helping Brenda in the backyard. She tells me to go back inside, and that she can handle the rest of the small details. I leave her outside, and head back into the house.

When I get back inside, I find Amy looking at some photos on the wall near the stairs. She has a balloon in her hand. She must've been putting them up.

As I get closer to her, I notice a tear running down her cheek. I look to the photos that she's looking at, and see a photo of her and her mother. In the midst of preparing for Dylan's birthday, I've forgotten what else this day means. It's the anniversary of their mother's death.

"Amy," I say, and she quickly jumps, startled by my presence.

"Ya? What's up?," she says, wiping her cheeks and giving me a smile.

"You don't have to do that," I tell her. "You're allowed to be sad."

Amy's bottom lip quivers, and her smile falters. She looks down at her feet, and lets go of the balloon. I walk closer to her, and wrap my arms around her. She buries her head into my shoulder, and wraps her arms around my waist.

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