Chapter 35

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Tyler's POV

I can't believe I've known Amy for over five months now. It feels like it's been so much longer. Like she's always been with me all my life.

Maybe she has always been with me. Maybe there was always a piece of her within me, but I just didn't realize it was there until I found her. That part of me was unlocked after I got her.

The second I saw her outside, that day at the café, I just knew I had to get to know her. I had never seen anyone more beautiful than her. I had never been so intrigued by someone. I had never wanted to figure out someone's mysteries so bad.

And now after figuring them out, after learning about Amy's past, and what makes her who she is, I just want to get to know her even more. I want to know her so well that I will know what she's going to say before she says it.

The new year is about to begin. Maybe this is what we need. Maybe we need a new year to begin for Amy to want to be with me, and allow me to know every part of her. Maybe this new year will give me everything that I've been waiting for. Her.

But even if it doesn't, even if this year goes by, and Amy still doesn't want to be with me, I'll stay by her side. I'll never leave. She's too important to me. She's become my whole world.

I'll wait however long it takes to be with her. Whether it's a year from now, ten years, thirty years, or fifty, I'll wait. And if that day never comes, I'll still wait. I'll even wait for her in heaven if I have to. I'll spend forever waiting for her to be mine.

"Tyler, are you even listening to me?," Amy asks, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Huh? What?"

"I was asking you about what I should wear," she says, moving towards her closet.

"Oh sorry, I wasn't listening," I tell her.


"But umm wear something that you won't get hot in," I say. "There will be a lot of people at the party."

"What about this dress?," she asks.

Amy holds up a simple peach dress. I remember when she bought it. I went with her into the changing room. The dress was tight on her body. It hugged her curves and made her boobs pop out.

When she tried it on, I couldn't control myself. I pinned her to the wall of the change room, and pulled the dress up, and moved her underwear aside. I was in such a rush that I almost forgot the condom.

I wrapped her leg around my waist, and we stood there, intertwined together. I clamped my hand over her mouth so she wouldn't make any noise. I pounded into her, slowly but forcefully.

I tried my best to make it quick so that we wouldn't seem suspicious. But the girl running the change room area knocked on our door to make sure that everything was ok. Amy yelled back, saying that she was fine.

I picked up my pace so that we could finish, and get out of there. Amy changed out of the dress, putting her normal clothes back on. After a bit of arguing, I got her to agree to let me pay for the dress.

"Definitely wear that one," I tell her with a smirk.

Amy starts to change out of her clothes into the dress. I sit on her bed watching her. I admire her body, biting my lip as I stare at her.

Her waist and stomach are slender. As you work up her body, you're met with her boobs. They're much bigger than you'd expect from such a slim girl. And as you work your way down her body, you get to her big, tight, round ass. An ass that gets everyone's attention.

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