Chapter 26

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Tyler's POV

"We should do something special today," I say.

"Why?," Amy asks, looking up from Marshall who's panting from her rubbing his belly.

"Because I leave tomorrow for a seven game road trip. Remember?," I explain.

"Oh right. For three weeks," she says with a bit of a pout.

"Ya, three weeks without you is a long time," I say, brushing back her hair.

"And you're not coming back to Dallas at all during those three weeks?"

"No. None of the teams we play are close to Dallas," I tell her.

"Oh. Well then what do you want to do today as something special?," she asks.

"Well I actually already have something planned," I say.


"It's a surprise."

She rolls her eyes. "Of course it is."

"So go home, and change into something pretty which could really be anything because you're beautiful in whatever you wear. But I'm thinking of something like a dress. And I'll pick you up at six thirty."

"Why'd you invite me over just to send me home again?," Amy says.

"I don't know," I say with a chuckle. "I just wanted to see you. Plus the boys were missing you. And our little make out session before was worth it."

"You're so weird," she tells me. "But it's cute how you call your dogs, your boys."

"You're still ok with taking care of them while I'm gone, right?," I ask.

"Ya, I'll stop by tomorrow and pick them up, along with whatever stuff you leave for me to take care of them."

"You'll need a key then," I say, getting up from the couch.

I go into my room, and find my spare key in a drawer. I return to the couch and give it to Amy.

"You can keep it, by the way," I tell her. "I mean, the door's never locked, but if it is, now you have a key."

"Ok, thanks," Amy says with a smile, taking the key from my hand.

"You're welcome. Now get out of here, and go home and get ready," I say, smacking her ass when she gets up, making her giggle.

"I'll see you soon," she says, opening the front door.

She walks out the door, closing the door behind her. I put some food and water out for the dogs, and then head to my room.

I go to the washroom, taking off my clothes. I notice a hickey on my collarbone, and I smirk. I get into the shower, turning on the water. I wash my body and hair.

I step out, and dry myself off. Then I head back to my room, and put on some underwear. I take out a black suit from my closet. I find a blue dress shirt, thinking of Amy's eyes, and a black tie.

I put on my clothes, and then style my hair. Then I sit on my bed while I put on my dress shoes. It's a little past six when I'm done getting ready.

I say goodbye to Marshall and Cash, and then leave the apartment. I head down to my new car, and start driving to Amy's place.

On my way there, I stop by a flower shop, and buy her a bouquet of roses. I smile, remembering the first time I took her out to dinner, and I gave her a bouquet of roses then too.

I arrive at Amy's place, and her dad opens the door. I feel an urge to punch him for what he did to Amy and her mom.

I always feel the need to hit him when I see him ever since she told me about what happened. I know he's changed, and I actually like Jerard, but because of him, Amy doesn't want to be with me.

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