Chapter 7

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Amy's POV

There's a knock on the door, so I stop what I'm doing in the kitchen, and walk over to open it. The knocking turns into pounding so I rush to the door.

I open the door, and an angry Tyler is standing outside. He glares at me, and pushes past me into the house.

"Well good morning to you too," I sarcastically say and close the door.

"No it's not a good morning," he says.

"And why's that?," I ask, while I walk back to the kitchen and he follows behind me.

"Because when I woke up this morning, the beautiful girl I had sex with last night, was gone."

"And you're mad about that?," I say while cutting some vegetables.

"Yes I'm mad. I thought last night was amazing, and then you just left me," he says. "That hurt a lot."

"I'm sorry, but don't take it personally. Last night was great. I just don't like to spend the night."

"So you sneak out while I'm sleeping?!"

"I don't know why you seem so surprised. You knew what I was like before you had sex with me. I mean you said it yourself, all I do is fuck and chuck."

"So what, you're done with me now?," Tyler asks. "You got what you wanted and you're done? I don't want to be just another name on the list of guys you've slept with"

I sigh. "That's the thing, I'm not done with you, and you're not just another name"

"I don't understand what you want then."

"See this is why I don't get to know the guys I sleep with. It complicates everything."

"It's only complicated because you don't want anything more than sex," he points out.

"But with you, I do want to be your friend," I say.

"Well after last night, it's hard to just be your friend," he says.

"What happened last night can still continue in the future," I tell him.

"What? Like friends with benefits?," he asks.

"Ya. Instead of fuck and chuck, it's more like fuck and fuck again."

"But I want to be more than just your friend that you fuck," he says.

"Well I can't give you that," I tell him.

"Yes you can. You're just too afraid to commit to anything."

"I'm not afraid of anything! I just don't want anything more," I say.

"Well I do."

"Well you're not going to get anything more from me."

"Are you scared of getting hurt? Whoever hurt you in the past, I promise I won't do that to you," he tells me.

"No one hurt me," I say.

"Then why don't you want to be with me?," he asks.

"Because dating, relationships, love, that's just not me," I shout. "My offer is on the table. We can be friends who have sex."

"That's not enough for me," he says.

"Well I'm sorry Tyler. I am who I am, and you can accept that or leave," I say.

Tyler sighs. "Well goodbye then Amy."

Tyler walks out of the kitchen, towards the front door. I feel the sting as he walks away. I put down the knife and let out a frustrated groan.

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