Chapter 58

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Amy's POV

I hear a bang in my room, waking me up from my sleep. I roll over in my bed, groaning as I rub my hand over my eyes. I slowly begin to open them, seeing that my room is pitch black. I look over at my clock, seeing that it's just past midnight.

I hear the noise again, realizing that it's something hitting my window. I pull the covers off of myself, and get out of bed. I walk over towards my window, and look outside. I see Tyler standing there with a big, goofy smile as he waves up at me. I roll my eyes, and blush while I open up my window.

"Tyler, what are you doing here?," I yell, loud enough for him to hear, but quiet enough to not wake anyone up.

"It's midnight," he tells me, smiling wider.

"Ya, I see that. So?," I question.

"So happy birthday," Tyler says.

I move away from the window, and go to my bedside table. I pick up my phone, and turn it on. I look at the screen, seeing that it says "Saturday, July 9". It is indeed my birthday. I didn't even realize that it was. I've been so caught up with spending time with Tyler that I've forgotten to keep track of time.

"Did you forget that it's your birthday?," Tyler asks with a chuckle as I return to the window.

"Maybe," I say, blushing from embarrassment.

"You're adorable," he tells me. "You can't even remember your own birthday."

"So you came all the way out here to wish me a happy birthday?," I question.

"Ya. I wanted to be the first one to wish you," Tyler says.

"Why didn't you just sneak into the house?," I ask. "You've snuck in a few times before."

"I thought this would be more special, and romantic," he tells me with a cheeky smile.

"Well do you want to come inside?"

"No. You go back to sleep, princess," he says. "I have the whole day planned out for you, so I need you to be well rested."

"What are we doing?," I ask.

"That's a secret, but you'll find out in a few hours. I'll come back here, and whisk you away for a magical day."

"Magical? What's so magical about it?," I say.

"I don't know. It's just special. But stop with your questions, and go back to bed," Tyler says, walking away back down the driveway.

"Tyler, wait," I shout.

"What?," he asks, and stops walking.

"Thank you for coming here, and wishing me a happy birthday. And thank you already for whatever it is that you have planned," I tell him.

"You're welcome," Tyler says with a smile. "I'll do anything to make the girl I love happy."

Tyler waves goodbye, and scratches the back of his head. I smile, and bite my lip at how cute he always looks when he does that. I wave back at him, and watch him as he moves off the driveway. He gets into his car that he parked on the street, and I watch him drive away.

I head back into my bed, and get under the covers again. I try to go back to sleep, but I can't. I'm too excited for whatever it is that Tyler has planned. I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve, eagerly waiting to open presents in the morning.

I kick the covers off of me, huffing out of bed. I find the teddy that Tyler gave me months ago. I pick it up, and hug it. I smile at the fact that it still smells like him. I crawl back into bed with the teddy, and cuddle up next to it. Tyler's scent relaxes me, and allows me to fall back asleep.

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