Chapter 24

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Tyler's POV

I leave food and water for Marshall and Cash before I head over to Amy's place to pick her up to take her to the carnival.

When I get to her house, her dad is the one to answer the door. He gives me a smile and says hello, letting me in.

"Amy is upstairs in her room with Dylan," he says. "She's helping him with his costume."

"Ok, I'll just head on up," I say.

I go upstairs to Amy's room. The door is locked, so I knock on the door. I hear movement inside the room before Amy opens the door. She only opens it a little bit, and stands in the way so I can't see inside.

"Hey, go downstairs," she says.


"Because Dylan doesn't want you to see his costume until it's done."

"When will it be done?," I ask.

"In like ten or fifteen minutes," she tells me.

"Ok, I'll be downstairs then."

"Thank you," she says and leans up to kiss me.

"But hey, make sure you bring like a sweater or something," I say, looking down at her shirt and jeans. "It'll get chilly later on at night."

"Ok, I'll grab a cardigan," she says. "Now go away."

I give her a quick kiss on the cheek, and then turn away. I hear her door close and lock again while I walk back downstairs.

I sit down on the recliner, and her dad sits on the couch. I pull out my phone, and start browsing through Instagram. I feel eyes on me, so I look up and see her dad staring at me.

"Umm so are you just staying home, and handing out candy tonight?," I ask, trying to make conversation.

"Ya. I would like to take Dylan trick or treating, but he's going with some friends," he says.

"They grow up so fast," I joke.

He laughs. "Ya they do."

"So uhh how have things been with you?," I ask. "Yenno since what happened with Dylan."

"It's been better. It was hard before especially with him wanting to be alone all the time, and looking upset. But he's more like himself now, which makes me happier. But I can't ever forget what that man did to him."

"Well at least he was found guilty, and will spend majority of his life in jail now," I say.

"Ya I guess that's true," he says. "Thanks for all your help too. With the cops and with Dylan. You've been really good to him."

"He's a great kid, and deserves all the happiness in the world."

"Well I really do appreciate it, Tyler," he says with a smile.

"Anytime, Jerard," I say, smiling back.

"Ok he's ready," Amy says, coming down the stairs, now dressed in a cardigan.

Trailing behind her is Dylan. Amy stands at the end of the stairs, waiting for him, and I get up to stand next to her.

I can see that Dylan is wearing a jersey, my jersey. He has a helmet on and he's carrying a stick. He has a fake beard drawn on his face with what looks like makeup.

"Are you dressed as me?," I ask with a smile, and he nods.

"Show him the best part," Amy says.

Dylan rolls up the sleeves of the jersey to reveal the drawn on tattoos almost identical to mine. A few details are missing, but they're pretty much the same.

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