Chapter 39

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Amy's POV

I take my laptop out of the school bag that I brought with me to Nashville. I open it up to Skype, scrolling through my contacts for Terrance's name.

It still says that he's offline. He should be coming on soon so that we can Skype. I really missed him yesterday, being here instead of being at school with Terrance. I missed walking into the classroom, and seeing his smiling face.

The symbol next to Terrance's name turns green, indicating that he's online. I smile with excitement, and click on his name. I fix up my hair while the call connects, wanting to look good for Terrance.

"Hey," Terrance says with a smile, waving at the screen.

"Hey," I say back with a wave. "I missed you."

"I'm happy to hear that," he says, smirking. "Looks like your little trip with Mr. Tattoos isn't as great as you thought it would be."

"No, it's been a lot of fun. And Dylan is really happy. I just missed seeing you yesterday."

"Well I missed you too. School was hell without you. Mr. Collins' bruise on his nose started to yellow yesterday," Terrance tells me. "And he kept staring me down. Although, he stares me down everyday."

"I'm surprised you didn't hit him again," I say. "It seems like the only reason you don't hit him is because I'm there to stop you."

"It took a lot of effort not to hit him," he says with a chuckle, pushing up his glasses.

"You're so cute when you push up your glasses," I tell him.

"Oh ya? Does that turn you on?," he jokes, purposely pushing up his glasses slowly.

I giggle. "You're such a dork."

"Well I'm your dork."

"So what is my dork up to today?," I ask.

"I work later on today. Other than that, I'm just going to study and play some video games," he says. "What are you doing?"

"The skills competition is tonight, so we'll be going to that. It should be fun. Dylan is super excited," I tell him.

"Where is the little guy right now anyways?," Terrance asks.

"Tyler took Dylan with him to go get his photo of him in his jersey taken," I say.

"Why didn't you go?," he questions.

"Because I wanted to talk to you."

Terrance blushes, smiling and biting his bottom lip. I can't clearly see the brown of his eyes through the computer screen, but the innocent, puppy dogness of his eyes is still there.

I find myself missing Terrance even more now that I'm seeing him. I miss his awkwardness and dorkiness. I miss the way he holds me. The way his lips feel against mine. The gentleness to his touch. The butterflies that he gives me.

I continue talking with Terrance for another hour. My cheeks start to hurt from smiling and laughing so much. We talk about random things that don't mean much. But it doesn't matter what we're talking about, as long as I get to talk to him.

When Terrance tells me that he needs to go so that he can start getting ready for work, I feel the urge to beg him to stay. To tell him to keep talking with me for a few more minutes. I don't want him to leave.

But I fight the urge, and allow him to go without a fight. I get him to promise me that he'll talk to me tomorrow. Then the screen goes blank, leaving me feeling empty inside as well.

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