Chapter 31

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Tyler's POV

"Hey Ty, wake up," Jamie says, shaking me awake.

"Huh? What? Where am I?," I mumble, rubbing my eyes.

"You're in Dallas, buddy," he says with a chuckle.

I look around the almost empty airplane. Everyone else must've already gotten off. I look out the window, seeing the familiar airport.

I get up from my seat, and grab my bag from the overhead compartment. Then I follow Jamie out of the plane into the airport. We make our way down to luggage claim.

I grab a trolly, and lift my two suitcases onto it. I wait for Jamie to grab his. We say goodbye to the rest of our team, and make our way out of luggage claim.

I see Drea in the distance, and nudge Jamie. He looks to where I'm looking. A smile spreads across his face, and he starts running to her. I trail behind him with the trolly, watching him lift up Drea, and kiss and hug her tightly.

"I missed you so so much," he says, kissing her all over her face.

"Stop," she says while giggling.

Jamie stops kissing her, and puts her down. Then Drea turns her attention to me, and gives me a hug.

"It's good to see you, Ty," she tells me.

"Ya, it's good to see you too," I say.

"I'm sure you'd much rather see Amy though," she says with a smirk.

"Yes, but I know she couldn't make it to the airport because of work."

"There's always after work," Drea says, patting my shoulder.

I nod, giving her a smile. Then the three of us leave the airport. I still continue to push the trolly.

We arrive at Drea's car in the underground parking. She unlocks it, and Jamie and I begin to load the car with our luggage. I put the trolly away, and then get into the backseat of the car. Drea starts the car, and leaves the parking lot.

"So how have things been here these past three weeks?," Jamie asks, looking out the window of the passenger's seat.

"Pretty much the same as when you guys left. Not really much has changed. Oh except Amy said I'm her best friend, not you Tyler," Drea says, looking at me in the rear view mirror.

"You're her best female friend. She still likes me better overall," I defend.

"You keep telling yourself that," she says with a smirk.

We arrive at my building shortly. Jamie helps me take my stuff out of the car. He tells Drea to just wait in the car while he helps me carry my stuff up to my apartment.

When I unlock the door to my apartment, it doesn't look as abandoned as I thought it would. It looks like it has still been lived in since I've been gone.

At first I think that maybe someone broke in, but then I remember that I gave Amy a key. She probably came in here a few times to get things for Marshall and Cash.

I start imagining Amy in my apartment, coming here for stuff for the dogs, but getting sidetracked. I can easily imagine her lounging on the couch with a bag of chips, watching tv. Or even going through my closet, rummaging through my clothes, finding a hoodie to wear that smells like me.

I doubt that she spent much time in here, but the thought that she could've makes me smile. It makes me think that maybe one day she will spend all her free time here.

"Hey, where do you want these?," Jamie asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh uh let's put it all in my room," I tell him.

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