Chapter 49

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Tyler's POV

Being on a flight back home is always a great feeling. Although my definition of "home" has changed. Home used to be Brampton where my family is. But now home is Dallas where Amy is.

And my home will continue to change with Amy. Wherever she decides to go, that will be my home. If she goes back to Oklahoma, that will be my home. If she moves across the country, that will be my home. If she goes to live in Antarctica, that will be my home. Amy is my home.

I quickly get off the airplane once we land, saying goodbye to the team. I gather up all my belongings at luggage claim, and take a cab back to my apartment. I greet my dogs, and then take a quick shower and change my clothes.

I rush over to Amy's house, speeding through the heavy traffic. A few people honk at me, but I don't care. I don't care if I cut them off or if I annoy them. I'm just trying to get to the love of my life.

I'm quick to get out of my car, and run up the driveway to the door. I furiously knock on the door, anxious for someone to open it. I hear someone unlocking the door, and stop with my pounding. The door opens, revealing a very beautiful Amy.

"Geez, what was with all the knock-"

I cut Amy off by grabbing her face with both of my hands. I crash my lips onto hers, putting all my passion into the kiss. Amy seems thrown off guard at first, but then relaxes into the kiss. She puts her hands onto my hips, pulling me closer.

I use my foot to close the door behind me. Then I turn Amy around, pinning her up against the door. I slip my tongue into her mouth, deepening the kiss. Then I begin to kiss down Amy's jaw, burying my face into her neck.

"Someone seems very eager," Amy says with a giggle.

"I missed you so much," I mumble.

"You were only gone for three days," she remarks.

"And every second away from you was hell," I tell her, moving away from her neck to look into her eyes.

Amy bites her bottom lip, blushing as she looks down at the ground. I put my finger under her chin, lifting her chin up to look at me. I lick my lips as I scan her face, leaning in closer to kiss her once again.

"Tyler, you're back," Dylan yells, startling me and causing me to move away from Amy.

I turn around, and face Dylan who is at the top of the stairs. He runs down the steps, and heads straight at me like a football player, ready to tackle me. I open up my arms, and engulf Dylan into a tight hug.

"I missed you, buddy," I say, kissing the top of his head.

"I missed you too," he mumbles into my stomach.

"Did you look after Amy like I asked you to?," I ask, moving out of the hug.

"Ya," Dylan says with a giggle.

"You asked my nine year old little brother to look after me?," Amy questions, chuckling.

"Ya, Dylan could totally kick butt if he needed to. So if I'm not around, I trust him to take care of you," I explain, ruffling Dylan's hair.

"Tyler and I could destroy the world if we teamed up together," Dylan adds.

"You know it," I say, giving Dylan a fist bump.

"You guys are so weird," Amy says with a laugh.

"You just don't understand the bond between two brothers," I remark.

Amy rolls her eyes, but chuckles. She moves off of the door, and starts to walk towards the couch. I follow behind her, and wrap my arm around Dylan's shoulder to lead him over.

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