2. She slipped away

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I grabbed myself for the bridge fence and stepped away from him. I turned around and faced man with really pretty green eyes and brown hair.

He was breathing heavily as if he was scared. Why though? He doesn't have any reason to be scared or worried about me. He doesn't know who I am and neither do I know him.

I shook my head still holding onto the bridge while his hands were out to reach me again if I try to jump off. He kept little distance between us just to give me to knowledge that he wouldn't hurt me.

"Please. I have to. Let me be." - I cried out as he slowly approached me. "No, hey. Keep up. You don't have to do this. Come on. Just let me help you." - His accent sounded a little bit French.

"You can't help me. I am done with this. I can't do it anymore." – I cried even more now. "Of course you can. You just haven't tried hard enough." - He comforted me as he got hold on my arm. I still didn't leave the bridge fence.

"Just come here where it's safe and I am sure you'll change your mind." - He grabbed my other hand and didn't break eye contact.

I shook my head looking down. I pushed rock that was tied to my leg off the bridge. It wasn't that heavy but enough to push me down with it.

He grabbed me with his full strength and didn't let go. Now I am hanging from the bridge with stranger holding onto me trying to save my life as I cried out.

"Please let go." – I whispered trying to calm down my voice as I was still having a panic attack. "Hold on." - He tried to push me up but he couldn't. And he still didn't give up.

"Carlos come here!" - He yelled as he turned his head behind him. I assume another car came and he knew the guy. Another one, with darker hair and eyes came in my sight.

He looked scared to but he grabbed my other hand pulling me up. I moved around just for them to let me go but they didn't. Final move made its work that should have been made before minutes.

I didn't feel their pressure on my hands anymore. But I did feel the pressure of water around me. I was dragged deeper each moment.

River wasn't that deep but enough for me to drown in it and for nobody else to find my body.

Charles POV

She slipped away. Sound of her body hitting water followed soon after. It felt so wrong not to try anything more. "Go get scissors or a knife." - I said to Carlos while I was taking my jacket and shit off. It wasn't very hot in the end of the november.

Carlos ran away while I was looking down at the river just wanting her to swim out but by her words and actions I don't think she wants to breathe this air again.

But I would feel guilty if I didn't do anything to help her. I would feel guilty if I just got back in my car and drive off. I probably wouldn't sleep knowing I was able to do something but I didn't.

He came soon after with a knife. Without another question I jumped off the bridge. Pressure of water surrounded me and I swam towards the bottom to find her.

I didn't see her until I raised my head in front of me. Seems like her lungs gave her up 40 seconds after. Or she just gave herself up. But I am not giving up on her.

I swam towards her and I released her ankle from that damn rock. I left knife and I grabbed her under her armpits dragging her up to the air.

We reached it and I breathed it in but she didn't. She was unconscious or even dead. But I am not giving up yet. I swam with her to the land on the right side where Carlos got in water to help me bring her out on dry land. Thankfully no snow fell yet and river wasn't frozen.

We laid her down and he unzipped her jacket doing CPR on her. Then mouth to mouth, CPR, mouth to mouth. In circle like that until she coughed out the water.

I cached my breath finally and fell on my knees beside her. "You see. You can do it." - I breathed. She sat up and looked at us. Everyone being breathless.

"Why did you do that?" - She asked with no hope at all. Who did this to her? What happened to her? Who gave her this "hope" if I can call it like that? I have so many questions but I am not sure if she'll answer any. Or if she' feel bad with any of them because just before two minutes she tried to kill herself.

"Because I would feel guilty if I didn't." - I responded as she stared at me. "Do you have anywhere to go?" - Carlos asked her as she switched her attention from me to him.

We waited few seconds for her to shake her head. We looked at each other as she curled up. It was cold indeed.

"Come on, you'll stay with us for the night." - Carlos said standing up reaching out for her hand. "I don't know you and I can't trust you." - She hesitated looking up at us.

"Well you can't stay out here tonight either. There are men you don't want to see and you almost drowned in cold river. And it's almost December." - I responded as she lowered her head.

"Well neither of us would have this problem if you just stepped in your car and carried on with your lives." - She quietly said not looking at any of us but just playing with her hands.

"Come on. I am freezing and you are too. Our apartment is 20 minutes away. You have to stay somewhere over the night at least." - She raised her head and starred at the river for a while.

She stood up and we walked back to our cars on the bridge.

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