14. Maybe someday

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Just 'hey'. I would feel so bad if I didn't start the conversation or at least texted back.

And it went on like that until 2am. We texted and remembered. I told her little about how Charles and Carlos helped me. At some point I started crying while I was writing a message. She is one of rare people who knows my whole life story. Aisha, Maria, Charles and Carlos. And I would like to keep it that way.

We decided to meet tomorrow in the cafe 20 minutes away from here at 12pm. Why so early? I have to pack. I have early flight day after.

I fell asleep but before I did I thought about how my life has really become better. I have roof over my head, I have clothes, job, great friends, I rebuilt my relationship with Aisha, I will be traveling the world. But all those things still can't make me forget the argument I had with my sister.

She is my sister I spent my whole life with her, she gave me a chance to live with her but she gave up when she saw I didn't want to give life a chance. Maybe someday I will rebuild it with her. Maybe someday.

I woke up at 9am and immediately brushed my hair and put on some light make up. Yes, they insisted on buying that also.

I got dressed and went downstairs to see Charles and Carlos sitting by the counter drinking coffee. "Good morning. Why up so early for yourself?" - Carlos spoke as he poured coffee for himself.

"I have to meet with my friend Aisha. We talked last night and rebuilt our relationship. I have to meet her at cafe that is 20 minutes away and I am already late." - I rushed to put my boots on.

"I'll drive you." - Charles added walking towards me. "Nah, you said it yourself you two have to pack a lot of things." - I put them on and I started putting on jacket.

"Well then, drive yourself there." - He handed me the keys and I looked at him. "You really trust me?" – I asked still not taking the keys. "You have a driver's license?" - He asked and I nodded. "I do."

"Well, then I do. Just please be careful. But watch yourself, please." – I took the keys still with concern. Carlos came up behind him.

"As he said, please be safe. Watch over yourself." - He crossed his arms and I turned to my right and took Ferrari hat putting it on my head. "Don't worry. I will." - I went over and hugged them both. I was really grateful for them and I hope they know it.

They stood frozen as I walked out.

Carlos POV

She hugged us and I felt her warmness close me. She is my comfort person and she doesn't even know it. I didn't know it until last night when she putted on that hat and smiled at me.

I found comfort in her and I couldn't deny it. I will try to hide it because it will be very awkward if I try to make a move on her.

She walked away and Charles and I stood frozen. "You don't trust her with that car, do you?" – I asked him. "Nope." - He walked away from the door and I stood there for few moments before I walked away myself.

Jenna POV

I got in the car. Still can't believe they let me drive this. Thank god it had four seats so I could leave my bag behind because I thought about going somewhere else with Aisha. Don't know where but somewhere. Maybe to pick up food after drinks. I thought about going to Starbuck for drinks. But I am yet to see with her.

I pulled up and saw her standing in the park we decided to meet. I honked and she looked my way. I waved and she smiled running towards the car and getting in. She looked so happy as she got in.

Aisha pulled me in the hug and didn't let go of me for good two minutes.

Fatal Accident (C.L. & C.S.)Where stories live. Discover now