16. He was really quiet

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"Come on you two. I made coffee. We better be early than late. Plane won't wait for us." – I rushed through the halls opening their room doors.

"Of course it will." – Charles shouted from his room and I went in seeing him laying on his stomach, shirtless. It must be really warm for him in the middle of November. "What do you mean?" – I asked crossing my arms trying not to look at his abs as he got up and sat on the edge of his bed.

"We are going with private jet. It would be a lot more process if we were going by regular plane. Security check, possible flight delay, and things like that, are risk." – He explained getting up and putting on shirt.

"You have private jet?" – I asked as he passed by me and I followed him until I heard Carlos speak behind us, leaving his room. "Well, Ferrari does. But we travel with it all the time during season so, yeah it is kind of ours." – I stopped listening to Carlos as Charles was already down in kitchen. "Wow, that's so cool. But Sky Sports have already reserved my plane seat." – I didn't know what to do. "Email them, say that you don't need it and they can ask for money back." – We got down in kitchen, had breakfast and I went upstairs getting ready.

I didn't wear anything special. As they didn't too. Casual pants and jumper over, with Ferrari jacket as always, it is really cold outside. We got our bags and luggage's in living room processing if we have everything and we did. Thank god.

We left apartment, locked it and there was car waiting for us outside. They intend on leaving their car here in garage for this week or so.

We went in the plane and they carried our bags outside. It was so warm inside, I liked it. I took off my jacket and so did they. It wasn't my first flight so I was pretty chill, until I fell asleep.

"Jen? Come on. We are almost here." – Carlos spoke to me softly as I raised my head from his lap. "Did I fell asleep on your lap?" – I asked covering myself with blanket that was already on me. "Well you fell asleep on my shoulder but during the sleep your head fell on my knee. You almost fell down but you didn't." – He explained and I stretched myself.

"I am sorry, you probably couldn't move for hours." – I apologized. I mean it is 12 hour flight. I probably slept for like 4 hours or so. "No worries. I fell asleep eventually."

"Where is Charles?" – I asked looking around not seeing him anywhere. It was already night outside. I looked at my phone and it was almost 11pm.

"I am here." – I heard him speak from behind. He was eating and honestly I was hungry as well so I stood up and found myself something to eat. Charles was really quiet. While Carlos and I keep the conversation he would answer just when we ask him something, and when he does they would be usually short answers with no interest in conversation.

I assume he was nervous because of the world championship. I mean it's pretty big deal to be called world champion of formula 1 for the first time. So I decided not to bother him. But if he continues like this I might get in serious conversation with him. Maybe I can help?

"Okay, we will land in half hour or less. Let's make it interesting. I am going to ask you questions about formula 1 this and other seasons. To test your knowledge." – Carlos spoke as I finished my meal.

"Let's do it." – Charles stared at the floor not saying anything. So I decided to leave him alone for few minutes. "Who was the world champion last year?" – Carlos asked placing ahis hands on his knees. "Max Verstappen." – I answered without hesitation. This is one of the first questions I memorized. And I memorized his name because he is competing with Charles for this year's championship.

"Correct. And 2020?" – He continued. "Lewis Hamilton." – This one was easy as well. "That's right. Where did I have my win this year?" – Okay, I am not good with places and tracks but I am going to have to be.

"Uh... Wait." – I thought about it for few seconds. "Bahrain?" – I was honestly not sure about this one. "It was Silverstone. I won in Bahrain." – Charles spoke with attitude before Carlos even got to say anything.

I turned to him behind me and he was staring with obvious irritation and anger. For what reason? I don't know. But I will find out very soon I am sure. Charles is not the kind of the guy who can keep something for long time in himself.

"Yeah, Silverstone. Sorry." – I feel like I have offended him with saying that Carlos won in Bahrain when he did. But he didn't. He continued on staring. I felt bad energy and unease when he was staring at me like that so I turned around to Carlos.

He looked at me worriedly then at Charles with same look. "Okay, let's continue." – He continued on asking questions and I got every other right. I felt so proud of myself. I learned a lot of in such short time.

We landed and yet again a car waiting for us. They packed car with our luggage and we went to hotel. Abu Dhabi is so pretty at night. Lights and everything. I was staring out of the window for whole ride.

Charles was on the right side and Carlos was in the front seat talking to the driver. We got to the hotel. Staff already took our things and brought it to reception. 

Fatal Accident (C.L. & C.S.)Where stories live. Discover now