29. And it is a mistake, a big one.

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Jenna's POV

I felt light grip of someone's hands around my waist. I turned around with still blurred vision seeing recognizable figure of a man still sleeping. It was Charles. But we were both dressed so I assumed nothing really happened.

I decided not to wake him up as I sat there leaned back on the headboard thinking about the previous day. So much shit happened, I didn't know how I managed to celebrate after everything. Probably just to show everyone that I am okay and that some things don't affect me like that.

I heard door creek open and I shot my eyes in that direction. I saw Carlos' eyes slowly finding mine after he already noticed Charles. He furrowed his eyebrows at me as he shot one more look at sleeping Charles.

I got up walking over to him, not wanting to wake Charles up. I closed door behind me and stayed close to them as Carlos didn't move much.

"He brought me back home last night. Nothing happened, I stood behind what I said yesterday." - I barely talked. More like whispered not wanting to wake up Charles.

"Really? Because it didn't seem that way in the club." - He let out a chuckle. What was so funny? I furrowed my eyebrows with fake smile on my face, waiting for him to explain his statement.

"What?" - I smiled out of the confusion. "Oh you were drunk. That explains a lot." - He walked back to the living room and I followed him.

"Please don't play these games right now. My head is banging and I am barely standing, I feel like I'm going to vomit. Get straight to the point. If you are jealous that he slept in my bed and you didn't th-"

"I am not jealous." - It sounded more like a warning. Like if I continued he would show me jealousy. "You said that you didn't want anything with either of us, and then you go that night in club and make out with him. As if you said nothing." - He sat on the couch and looked up at me.

"What? I didn't do that. We didn't..." - I stopped thinking about last night. Nothing. Was I that drunk? I don't remember single thing after arriving at the club. Nothing. Blackness. Nothingness.

"You were drunk, it's obvious. But how could you forget something like that. I mean his hands all over you. Him kissing your neck and your shoulders. Dancing while you pressed your hips in his-" - he just started to raise his voice at each of his words.

"Okay I get it!" – I interrupted him. I sighed putting my hands over my face.

"No you don't!" - He almost yelled back. "How do you know all of this? I don't remember anything! Were you there?" - I removed my hands and looked at him with watery eyes. I really couldn't take this much stress right now.

"There are videos Jenna. Did you forget that he was Formula 1 driver who always has someone on his back?" - He explained and I stayed silent.

"It's not that I am jealous. It's that he was sober. He knew you were drunk Jenna. That's what bothers me." - He calmed his voice and got up standing close to me.

"He knew what you said earlier that day. And I found you two in the same bed. I thought he took the advantage of you, I was ready to kill him!" - He rose his voice once again and I looked down.

"Why is all this happening to me? Why me?" - I felt warm tear fell down my face and I sat on the couch. Carlos kneeled and placed one of his hands on my knee and raising my head with other one.

"Come on... You saw that it can be better. You tried. You can try harder. Don't give up when you're on the right track." - He sounded calmer and it made me comfortable.

My head was pounding, I felt like I was going to vomit and I really couldn't take any more stress. I decided to keep what happened behind me. I will not bring it up to Charles.

Maybe he was drunk, but he didn't take the advantage of me. I know it. I know how I would feel if we did something. Instead he brought me home and as I saw, took off my make-up and changed my clothes. I can't be mad about that.

"What would I do without you?" – I smiled through tears. He smiled as well, wiping tear from my right cheek with his thumb.

"Come on." - He breaks very intense eye contact that we held for quite some time. "I'll make breakfast for us. And I brought you some painkillers this morning. You can go and dress yourself and start packing things because we're leaving tonight." - He got up and held out hand for me to stand up as well.

"Thank you, Carlos. You have no idea how much I appreciate it." – I smiled and he smiled back. But it quickly disappeared as he turned around and walked over to the kitchen. Oh yeah, he was jealous.

But there is nothing I can do at this point. What happened, happened. And it is mistake. Big one.  Just because I don't remember it doesn't mean other people will forget it as well.

Especially now that videos are on the internet. But it can never be talked about again, and it probably will die as a topic in the world. I just pray that it happens soon.

Whatever happened, I wish it didn't. It's bad for everyone. Maybe even Charles. But I can't speak for him, and I won't ask him about it. I want to forget this, as already don't remember it...

When Charles woke up, there was awkward silence as we ate breakfast. From time to time he was giving me hurt looks. Like he wanted me to bring something up. Like he wants it to evolve in something more than just a make out session.

But I tried to avoid his glances, and for most of them I succeeded to do so. I didn't want to hurt him. Nor Carlos. But I think this is for best.

After we packed our stuff and went to airport. It was time to go back in New York as the season was over. Now Christmas was around corner and New Year as well.

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