42. I hated every second of being here

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"Are you okay? You seem a little off?" – Charles looked down at me and his gaze softened after the looks he gave Max. I smiled up to him looking at his perfect face. "I am great, just thinking about the plans I have for tonight." – He scoffed and smiled at me.

His dimples showing every time he does. And they make me fall in love with him all over again. I hate seeing him frustrated or sad. Just because I don't get to see those dimples anymore. But I find a way to cheer him up.

Cough, cough.

He kissed my forehead and walked in cool down room first. Then Carlos came up to me before he walked in. "Thank you for calming him down. But what Max said, wasn't right. I know Charles wouldn't hold back if you didn't say anything." – He said in low tone and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What made you think that he wouldn't hold back?" – I asked thinking about the worst things he could've done. "Don't have time to talk about it, but it ended up with a guy having broken nose and some other things. I don't remember clearly." – He stopped and I saw that he didn't want to talk about it and make me think some awful things about Charles.

"I have to go." – He kissed my cheek as always and walked away. I stared at the floor wanting to forget about the thing he just said to me. Bad thing is, Max isn't the kind of the guy that would hold back. Even on the track you can see his behavior.

Out of my thoughts, Max snapped me by walking towards me before entering cool down room. "You sure you have plans? Maybe I can match them with yours and we make something out of it." – My mouth slightly opened as I didn't know what to say.

"I-" – As I wanted to speak someone came up to Max and dragged him away as he needed to get in cool down room and not waste time. I was so thankful to that person at the moment. I let out a sigh of relief and waited for chat in cool down room to end so I can watch podium, do some interviews and call it a day making something about my plans.

But then it all went down, I had to interview Max... One more fucking time. I let myself calm down not thinking too much about it.

Carlos' POV

Max walked in the room and I felt the tension between him and Charles. No word was spoken and I decided to break the silence. "It was good race." – I said watching screen that showed highlights of the race.

"Mate, why did you have to ask her if she has any plans?" – Charles asked, like he has been dying to know the answer. That's what I feared the most. "Because I wanted to know if she had any plans for tonight. So I can make some up for us if she doesn't." – Max replied and the tension just got even higher.

I hated every second of being here, I swear.

"She is my girlfriend, you know that. Everyone knows that." – Charles tried to keep himself in his seat and I walked closer in between them, just in case. "And she has free will." – That was the last straw for Charles. He stood up and made one step before I took him by his shoulders.

He looked at me with ager in his eyes. I knew he wanted to beat him at the moment. "It's not worth it." – I said pointing my head at cameras that were around us. He looked one more time at Max behind my back and took water bottle.

No word was spoken between us anymore. And silence is the best thing that can happen at the moment. We got out on the podium and got our trophies then walked back down after spraying champagne and listening to the national anthems.

Jenna's POV

I felt happy for Charles. Both happy and proud. I know how much he dreamed of being a world champion and now it might happen for the second time as he was still in lead of the championship.

I saw anger on his face as he approached me and hugged me around my waist walking away immediately. "What happened? Are you okay?" – I asked concerned about what happened in cool down room. He was just fine when he walked in.

"Nothing, he just makes me mad. Are you going back to the hotel now? Because I have few interviews." – He asked getting off of the topic right away and I see that he didn't want to talk about it. But Carlos will, he is that best friend everyone needs. The one with who you talk shit about everyone if it's there something to talk or judge.

"I have to do interviews as well, if you finish earlier you can go home. I know you're tired." – I explained as we stopped by Josh who was preparing camera. "Okay, I'll find you when I finish." – He pressed quick kiss on my lips and walked away.

"Are you two okay?" – Josh asked as he saw that Charles was pretty far away from us. "I don't know. Something happened in that room and he doesn't want to tell me. But I know who will speak." – I said thinking of Carlos, both of them will get to me and my interviews so I will ask him when the camera shuts down.

I started interviews, Esteban, Fernando, Yuki, Pierre, Lewis and Carlos were finished with my questions and now they were standing by other interviewers. Now it was time for Charles. He had smile on his face but not the real one. I know how dimples appear on his face when he is truly happy and now he isn't.

I started with my questions as if nothing happened and it all went well until we both heard familiar voice. Max was right next to him and when our eyes met and I shook my head at him wanting to keep him on me. When I needed his eyes the most on me, he barely had them.

I finished with Charles and waited few seconds before he and Max switched. Now I didn't have a smile on my face, but I needed to. So I put on fake one and I know Charles noticed before standing beside us in front of another camera.

"Max, the race was perfect for you. Congratulations one more time on the first win of the season. What do you think the next one will go like, do you have prepared strategy?" – I asked being as stressed as ever.

"Well, I think we have something on our minds and I am definitely looking forward for a win and I am not thinking of anything bad that can happen." – He replied with smile and I asked another question. "You said on the radio you had some problems with engine in last few laps, do you think that if there was few more, Charles would overtake you because of how fast the gap was closing each lap."

"Um, I was obviously stressed those last few laps as I tried to give my best and push as much as I could just to keep the distance. But even then I knew he couldn't overtake me as he was pretty far away. I just don't know how he gets anything in his life with that pace, truly." – He eyed me up and down and I felt uncomfortable about his answer and the way he looked at me.

I knew Charles was right beside us and probably didn't hear any of this due to answering his question, so I decided to act natural as if nothing happened just to not cause any more tension than there already is.

"Do you think this championship will be tough to get as it was last year, you said that it was out of reach on the interview earlier." – I waited for his response as he looked around the room before speaking.

"Of course, there is many things that can happen and this year I don't see a threat. First race wasn't really great for us but this one was. And I am confident that this year will be our year." – He nodded before speaking again.

"And you didn't answer my previous question. I was dragged away anyway." – He sounded so confident like the whole world isn't watching right now, but thankfully Josh turned off the camera.

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