41. We have to try this-

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"Good morning." – I said to Charles as I turned to face him. He was looking at me with smile on his face without saying a word. "What?" – I asked stretching out myself. "Love the hair." – He laughed and I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, get used to it." – I playfully hit him sitting up and leaning on headboard.

"For how long have you been up?" – I looked at my phone and seeing that it was already 11am. "For quite some time now." – He replied and I looked at him. "Why didn't you wake me up? Come on let's have breakfast, I am hungry." – I stood up and took a second to steady myself on my legs. They felt numb from last night.

He laughed at my action and I shot gaze at him, not amused one for sure. "I didn't want to wake you up because I am sure you need rest. And it's obvious." – He pointed out the way he was holding me up close to him.

"Shut up, it's your fault. I said I couldn't take the third round." – I protested as we walked close to each other. "Eh, don't say it like you didn't enjoy it." – He said and I looked up at him as he opened the door.

What brought our attention is the door in front of us opening. It was Carlos and Isa. She walked in front of him as they were smiling. I can say that Charles and I shared a thought about last night.

"Oh, Carlos. Yes, that's it." – I mimicked Isa and they shot looks at us. I noticed her cheeks heat up but she smiled at it. "Oh, yeah. You're such a good girl for me." – Charles mimicked Carlos. "If you're wondering, if we heard all of it, yes we have. The walls aren't as thick as you thought."

"Okay, okay. We get it. But don't think you two were quiet at all." – Carlos said and Charles and I looked in between us just to laugh. "Yeah, we know." – Charles added. "But we couldn't sleep because of you two." – We started walking towards the elevator. "Yeah, sorry I don't finish in three minutes like you do." – As Isa and I were walking in front of them we face-palmed ourselves at their conversation.

"Oh, no. We did three rounds. We got home earlier." – Charles proudly said and I felt my cheeks heat up at his words. "Mate, that's almost two hours..." – Carlos calculated and whispered to him. But we heard. Isa looked at me with that are-you-for-real look. I shook my head at her and we continued on walking in front of them.

"Mate I have to ask you. Was that missionary last night?" – I heard Charles ask Carlos and seems like Isa did as well because she brought her hands to her face and I side-hugged her.

"Yeah, how did you know?" – Carlos replied sounding shocked by Charles' guess and Isa and I quietly laughed at their conversation. "I don't know. I had a lot time without sleep to think about it." – Isa and I started laughing and they looked at us confused.

"Is that what you talk about? After every time you sleep with woman?" – I had to ask. "And you girls don't?" – Carlos had confused expression, but when I shook my head it turned in embarrassed one.

"Don't tell them we talk about it." – I whispered to Isa and she smiled nodding, "Don't worry." We started eating our breakfast and I don't even want to mention about the things they were talking about most of the time. Isa and I moved away from them. But we did noticed few looks they were giving us through the conversation they had, but we ignored it.

Lando and Luisa joined us as she sat with us further away from them. "Someone was so loud last night, I didn't get any sleep." – She rubbed her eyes sitting on my right. Isa and I shared a look and she gave us bored look.

"Seriously? Both of you?" – She didn't sound annoyed. "I hope you had fun. Because I didn't." – We laughed and continued our conversation in other way. When we finished Lando came over to us and brought Luisa closer to him. "Babe, we have to try this-" – Isa and I heard what he wanted to say so we started laughing.

"Not here, Lando." – She hissed through her teeth and he closed his mouth right away. "Oh, to have you shut up like this when you're talking too much instead of doing something." – Charles said to me as we walked side by side to our hotel room.

"Oh, you're not starting this conversation right now." – I said with serious tone as he just stared down at me without saying a word. "Yeah, you better shut up." – I scoffed and we got back to our room.

April 19th

Not the greatest race for Ferrari team but P2 and P3 isn't bad at all. Verstappen won the race and I walked towards the track to do my job as always. I congratulated them all and started with interviews.

First Carlos, then Charles. He had the same look in his eyes, even though we were in the middle of our jobs. I didn't mind having his eyes on me all the time but it was distracting sometimes and we had to focus. Both of us.

"Max, congratulations for the first win of the season. Really great race for you. How do you feel?" – I asked and he brought his microphone closer to his mouth. "Well yeah, first one is always special as this one is as well. We are definitely looking forward winning this season and taking championship as previous one was close but out of reach." – He smiled at me and I brought my microphone closer to me again.

"How do you plan on celebrating this one? Any special plans?" – I smiled back at him waiting for his response. "Well not for now, do you have any plans?" – I laughed awkwardly as he did too. "I have plans, sorry." – I tried sounding as nice as I could. "Shoot, but yeah no, I haven't thought about anything but probably go out to have some drinks with my friends as always." – We finished interviews.

I walked over to Charles and noticed him sending daggers to Max and not taking his eyes off of him. But his gaze didn't change as he saw me approaching.

He threw his hand over my shoulder and brought me closer to himself as we were walking past Max and his teammate. I noticed how they looked at each other but then Max looked at me and smiled. I immediately lowered my head not wanting to make this situation even more awkward or tense.

"Don't be mad please. Act as nothing happened. You don't want to cause more drama than there already is." – I tried to comfort him as we were walking towards cool down room. "I didn't like the way he was talking to you. Of course I'll be mad. He knows we're dating and he still asked you if you have plans." – He sounded annoyed and I stopped as he did too after he noticed I wasn't walking anymore.

"And I told him I have plans, because I attend to get rid of stress and get in the mood." – I repeated his words from weeks before and he smiled when he remembered. His hand went around my waist as we continued walking.

"I love you so much." – He whispered to me as he kissed my head. I felt so protected and safe in his embrace, I don't think anyone made me feel this way. Probably because I had no one to show me this kind of affection and love. But there's first time for everything I guess. And first times with him are always the best things to happen to me in my entire life.

Just remembering what could've happen does make my mood change but I don't let anyone notice it. Remembering what I had to go through and where I am now makes my mood light up as well. I always think of Carlos when these things come up.

'You maybe don't know many people like your sister, the ones that want to let you down. But there will be many of them and they are part of million and one reason why you should stay alive and prove them wrong'

I always had those words in the back of my mind in case I am feeling sad, or overwhelmed. I never knew few words would cheer me up and make me wake up every morning. But unexpected things happened, and they can be good as well. I always believed in bad ones but now I changed my mind.

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