40. Maybe some other time

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"It's always the quiet ones that moan the loudest, isn't it?" – He had lose smile on his face as he was looking down at me. I smiled back. "Should we take the rest to the bedroom, I have no strength to stand anymore." – I said and his eyebrows went up. "It wasn't enough?" – He smirked at me.

"Shut up." – I kissed him and after some time we walked back to the bedroom. We fell on the bed and continued on kissing. Once again I got on top of him and this time I didn't stop with my kissing.

He noticed what I wanted to do and he sat up leaning his head on pillows. I stood on my knees above on his lap and slowly sat down adjusting him one more time this night.

He slowly shut his eyes closed and I grabbed headboard behind him for support. I started slowly grinding my hips back and forth. Speeding up every moment. And it went on like that for what felt like eternity. But it was hard once my legs started shaking, and I was so close to my high.

Charles noticed and with his hands helped me roll my hips. He shut his eyes once again squeezing my hips. He was close as well. "Fucking hell." – He breathed out and I started going faster to satisfy both of us. "Oh my god." – I moaned out as I reached my high for the second time tonight. I barely kept on with my movements just so he can finish as well, and he did.

The way his body tensed up and then relaxed was amazing. I fell to his chest trying to calm my breathing as much as I can.

"Can you give me one more?" – He said and I didn't have the strength to look up at him. "Charles I-" – I was about to say something but he interrupted me.

"Yeah, you can." – He pushed me around so I was on my back. But he didn't want it that way. He wanted me on all fours. Little did he know I didn't have strength to do so.

I laid on my stomach before his hands went under my hips pushing my ass up. He kept them there whole time as he noticed I could barely stand on my own.

"What, no more teasing?" – He said and I wanted to sound like a brat but I knew I couldn't keep up with his game. I was drained. He got inside of me third time tonight and I let him know that it felt good by not holding back my moans.

He loved to hear me. That's why when my moaning was muffled with mattress and sheets, he let go of my hips that were barely holding up on their own, and one of his hands grabbed my neck and pulled me up, while with the other one he kept his body up as I felt his chest collide on my back.

My hands joined in and now I was on all fours with his support. He was leaned down to my back as he never stopped thrusting inside and out. My throat vibrated from all the moans against his hand, and he liked it.

Just how he wanted it. And I could never complain. We feel the passion for almost everything. "I want to feel you shake under me." – He said and repeated his actions.

The feeling of reaching my high was not unrecognizable. "Charles-" – I cried out and he groaned at the sound. "You are doing so well, baby." – He whispered in my neck. His hot breath sending shivers down my spine immediately.

I felt tears in the corner of my eyes forming as I released for the third time tonight. At the feeling, he did as well. My legs started shaking and my breathing was messier than ever.

I fell on bed and turned around to face him. I looked at his eyes and saw happy expression. There was a bit sweat on his forehead as well and it made just everything hotter. He stood up and went to the bathroom to take the towel and clean both of us.

When he went in bathroom again I threw one of his shirts over myself. He walked in the room wearing boxers and he smiled at me. "What?" – I asked. "You really got what you deserved tonight. We should repeat it, maybe double the rounds." – I looked at him and he laid next to me opening his arms for me to get under covers with him.

He laid on side and I faced him. "I barely did third one. What makes you think I'll be able to handle six of them?" – I asked in serious tone. "I don't know. But you seem desperate for more of it." – He said and I shook my head at his answer. "Goodnight, and if you dream of me. Remember I like it rough." - I turned my back to him closing my eyes.

I heard him laugh. "Yeah I know." – I laughed as well and we went to sleep. Quietness was so comfortable but it was soon interrupted. "Are you hearing the same thing?" – I had to ask and when I turned to look at him he was staring at ceiling trying to process it.

"Yeah I think I am." – He was still staring at the ceiling before we started laughing. "Now, I'll joke about it in the morning." – I said remembering how Carlos annoyed me about how loud Charles and I were. But look who'll be laughing now.

He furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head. "Sound like he is missionary kind of guy." – I started laughing at his thought. "What? I am trying to process everything." – He smiled at my reaction. "And you think we weren't loud?" – I asked him. "Oh, I knew you were louder than her." – He laid on his side and used his hand for support to look at me. "Right."

"Do you want me prove that you can be louder than her?" – His eyebrows went up at his question and I saw that he was serious. "Maybe some other time." – I replied closing my eyes.

There were few more minutes of same sounds to which Charles and I giggled at few of them. But it had an end. Thank god it did. They weren't up for another round as silence stepped in for the first time tonight. I eventually fell asleep. 

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