37. Bad things?

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January 14th

"I'll take it." - I yelled from downstairs. Carlos was with Isa in Spain and Charles and I slept in today as we both don't have anything to do. We agreed on staying in New York for few months as well. I was already up making coffee while he was in bathroom taking a shower.

I opened the door to see my sister crying. I furrowed my eyebrows at the sight of her with a backpack on her back. "What are you doing here?" – I asked ignoring the fact that her eyes are tearing up more each second.

"How did you find this address?" – I continued as soon as I noticed she isn't answering. "Please, I have nowhere to go." – She breathed out and I was even more confused.

"What do you mean?" – I asked. "David, he kicked me out. We are getting a divorce and he said he can't stand me anymore." – She started crying even more. "What does it include me, how did you find this address?" – I almost yelled at her.

"Where is Lizzie?" – I asked after few seconds. "She's with him. He said he will take custody over her as he has house and is capable of raising her. He's taking away everything from me." – She cried out.

"You think I care?" – I furrowed my eyebrows at her. She stopped crying and looked at me blankly. "I am your sister, please. I know I did some bad things but I have nowhere to go. You are my only chance." – She pleaded and I did not know what to feel at this moment.

"Bad things? You are the one who kicked me out! You send me out to kill myself! That's not just a bad thing." – I yelled at her and she had blank stare one more time. Charles came up from behind hugging me around my waist.

"What is going on?" – He asked looking at the sight of my sister on his doorstep. "Nothing, she was just leaving." – I went to close the door but she stopped it with her hand. "No, please! I'll do anything, just please. Give me a place to stay, by tomorrow I'll be out of the house." – I looked at her one more time then at Charles.

He gave me that, I-don't-know-what-to-do-either, look. Without looking at her second time I slammed the door and I felt two warm tears fall down my cheeks. He hugged me and I sobbed few times in his chest.

"It's okay... You did the right thing. If you let her in she'd think that she can control you. You need to think of yourself sometimes" – He comforted me. "Sometimes you have to take risks and do things that hurt you, just to be happy. She should've thought about your feelings when she kicked you out." – He kissed my head and we pulled away from each other. "Let's not let her ruin this day. It's going to rain, it will be perfect for a stay-in movie day." – He took my hand and we walked to kitchen.

For the whole day we watched movies and eventually fell asleep with me really close to him. We didn't make our relationship public but we do post stories together and I think people have figured it out by now.

Not secret, but private. And I would like to keep it that way for as long as possible. As soon as other people don't include in our relationship and choices we should make, everything is good.

March 20th

"Charles Leclerc wins the Bahrain Grand Prix, and its one-two finish for Ferrari. What a beautiful start of the season for the team!" – I heard over the radio and I didn't feel this proud since Abu Dhabi last year.

Whole garage was yelling and screaming, I heard Charles yelling over radio and I rushed on the track and waited for Charles and Carlos to pull up. This was a great start of the season for Ferrari.

When he pulled up he ran over to me as soon as he saw me. I hugged him as tightly as I could. He picked me up and spun me around before letting me down. He took off his helmet and let placed down on the track before finding my lips and kissing me.

I got déjà vu. Just this time, it felt much more realistic and with much more love and passion between us. Everyone knew we dated, so it wasn't much of a big deal anyway.

"I am so proud of you, you have no idea!" – I whispered to him as we pulled our foreheads together. He smiled breathing heavily, before kissing me once again.

He walked away after some time to drink some water before the interview, and I walked over to Carlos, and hugged him.

"I am so proud of both of you!" – I said in his ear and we pulled apart. "Thank you, it is really great start for the team." – He hugged Isa afterwards and after small talk I walked over and took microphone because it was time for the interview.

First I interviewed Lewis, then Carlos. "Carlos, great ride today. It is great comeback for you and team. What are your toughs about the race?" – I asked and moved microphone closer to him.

"Well, we never left, nor me or the team, but sure it was a kind of tough last year. We worked on everything for this season and we are all proud of how it started, wish it will keep up that way for the rest of the year." – He nodded and after question or two, I interviewed Charles.

"Charles, congratulations. What a great ride today! How do you feel?" – I brought microphone to him and he smiled at me before speaking. "Yeah, it feels really amazing. Especially with one-two finish for the team. All the hard work paid its debt and we shall use it to celebrations with Ferrari." – He was still smiling and looking at me deeply in my eyes.

I blushed and stuttered by his look, and he noticed. He moved just a bit closer to me and took my hand with just our fingers touching. "Are you looking forwards for another championship? Last year was tough but successful as well." – I smiled at his gesture.

"Well of course I am. We will do anything in our power to remind everyone of what Ferrari is exactly, and that it can come back any time." – He smiled one more time. We finished interview and he brought me in for a kiss as soon as Josh turned off the camera.

We broke the kiss and looked each other in eyes smiling. God knew I'd be this happy right now. "Okay, lovebirds. You don't have to do it here." – He sounded annoyed and I turned to him while Charles still kept me close to himself.

"But you have a girlfriend as well..." – I replied looking at him. "Well, not the one that is here or the one that will be with me every race this season."

"Sorry..." – I apologized and he smiled. "Don't worry, I love that I even know her. Having her just for me is even better, I just miss her a lot." – He looked down at his feet and I felt sorry for him. "Well, go call her then. I am sure you two will see each other really soon." – I grabbed both of his shoulder and he looked at me.

"Yeah, I was planning to. Congratulations Charles." – He shook hands with him and walked away. Charles came from behind, and hugged me. I smiled as his face buried in my neck.

"I'm ticklish... stop it." – He looked at my face with confused expression. "You liked it before few nights..." – I smiled and playfully hit him. "I'm kidding... But I am not saying I wouldn't like to repeat that night..." – He said as we walked towards the entrance of cool-down room. "Neither am I." – He smiled and kissed me before walking away.

I walked back to Ferrari garage to grab some of my stuff from there. It was almost empty as everyone went out to take the best place to watch podium. It indeed was great day for red. 

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