22. Then it shouldn't be there

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"What's that smell?" – I asked supporting myself up with my elbows. He looked at me weirdly trying to process about what was I talking about. "Oh god, pizza!" – He stood up running towards the kitchen.

I was in my underwear only so I took his shirt from kitchen floor and pulled it over my head. It was large enough to cover up my thighs. I walked to him and he looked so disappointed.

"I was really looking forward to eating this pizza." – He sounded sad and I placed my hand on his shoulder. "We can order one. It isn't that late I think." – He nodded and took his phone searching for pizza place that is still open. And after few minutes he found it, ordering us pizza. "How do we always get interrupted?" – He placed his phone on the table in living room sitting on couch.

"I don't know, but I hate it as well." – He opened his arms and I sat on his lap facing him. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he placed his on my lower back. Like, really low. Dangerously low.

Our lips connected and another make out session started. Eventually, with time he laid me down carefully. He broke the kiss taking a second to look at me.

"You look so good in my shirt, I think I don't want to take it off." – He whispered and I bit my lip. "Yeah, but I am not big fan of this..." – I said not breaking eye contact and undoing his sweatpants.

"Then it shouldn't be there." – He broke eye contact standing up and taking his sweatpants off. Only boxers were left on, but he didn't take them off just yet. He was playing slow game and I hated it. But loved it at the same time.

He lowered himself really close to me but didn't kiss me. I understand the game he is playing. I didn't hesitate so I pulled him in kiss and he smiled into it.

"Not too patient, are we?" – He softly said pulling our foreheads together. "Oh shut up and kiss me." – I pulled him back again but we were interrupted. "Fucking hell." – He said and got up.

"I'll open it, it's probably pizza. You get dressed. We're just gonna have to continue next time. It really  isn't our night." – I got up from couch and went over to open the door. After all I had shirt that was almost to my knees.

"Hey, uh... Delivery for Carlos?" – He asked reading little paper with thick accent. "Yeah... Let me just get money. How much I-" – I started turning around but he interrupted me.

"I know the ways you can pay..." – He eyes me up and down. "Excuse me?" – I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Well, I am just saying that-" – He started putting paper in the back of his jeans.

"Don't fucking speak to her like that." – Carlos came from behind me opening door wider. "Oh, I- I am so sorry. I didn't know-" – He started but Carlos stepped in front of me.

"Save me your excuses." – He took pizza box from him. "Take the money and go." – He handed him money and it sounded more like a threat than demand. "Hurry up." – Carlos began closing the door and spoke as he saw him still standing in front of the door before guy walked fast in the direction of the elevator. Did this made me uncomfortable? Yes. But I was glad Carlos was there and I am glad he stepped in.

I had feeling I wouldn't get rid of him that easily if I was alone.

"Jerk." – He said as he placed pizza box on table in living room. I quietly sat beside him thinking of the worse that could've happened if Carlos wasn't here.

"What's wrong?" – He asked putting pizza slice in box as soon as he took it. "Thank you..." – I quietly spoke not looking at him. But his gaze was on me. "Oh, there's nothing you should be thankful for." – He shook his head putting his hand on my knee that was closer to him.

"But so many things could've happened if you weren't here." – I finally turned my head to look at him and I felt my eyes tear up as my vision was slightly blurry.

"Hey, don't think about that. If it weren't for me you would never order pizza and none of this would happen." – He said and placed both of his hands on my cheeks.

I smiled at the tone and the way he said it. Tear fell down my face and he wiped it with his thumb. "Don't cry. There is no reason for crying." – He smiled and pulled me in hug. I felt so safe at the moment.

"What's your favorite movie?" – He asked as his head was resting on top of mine. I smiled and pulled away from hug. "Guess." – He looked at me questionably trying to read it on my face.

"You know?" – He asked being concerned. "Of course I do!" – I replied and stopped for a second thinking. "Wait... I actually don't..." – I corrected myself and he slapped his knees smiling.

"Then is impossible, if you don't know, we don't know." – He said in his Spanish accent. Oh god did I love that accent. I laughed and we went on eating pizza.

During the movie he fell asleep on my shoulder and I turned on my phone while the movie was still playing. It wasn't very interesting as you can suggest.

I decided to not have my profile on private anymore. Suddenly 23K people followed me. I thought my phone was going to explode. I had to turn my volume down so I don't wake up Carlos.

I posted story with him sleeping on my now chest. His head fell lower when I grabbed phone. You can't see clearly that was him because the only thing that was in the room was one from TV. But it was dark scene anyway. The only thing that could give him away was his hair. Yes, he is pretty recognizable by his beautiful soft hair, but he is not the only one that has this kind of hair anyway.

So I posted it without tagging him. Minutes later I started getting replies of how cute it was but no one assumed it was Carlos and I was glad. I saw Charles' story.

He reposted someone's story. It was him and other drivers dancing and singing. But I noticed some girl standing on his right and he had tight grip on her hip. I watched that fifteen second story over and over just to see the way he was holding her.

Why am I feeling like this? It's not jealousy. No, not at all. But it was more like confusion. Before few hours he kissed me in front of millions of people and now few hours later he is holding this girl tightly and very close to himself.

But I obviously didn't have any right to say anything against it. So I went on with scrolling through my phone. Eventually I fell asleep after I turned off the TV after movie ended. 

Fatal Accident (C.L. & C.S.)Where stories live. Discover now