51. You'll see if he tells you

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I went on airport to wait for Charles and Carlos. Their plane is about to land in few minutes and I was so nervous. Don't know for what particular reason, but I was nervous.

I saw them walking over and paparazzi noticed them as well. When I saw flashes I just wanted to run and hide because of how embarrassing it is for me to have cameras following you all around. That would've happen, but I missed both of them, a lot. So I did the opposite. I ran towards them.

I first hugged Charles as he stepped in front and walked faster towards me. It felt so nice to have him in my arms again even if it was just few days. The same smell and the same comfortable feeling rushed over me and I felt safe again.

I kissed him when we pulled away from our hug. His hand behind my neck and on my lower back while mine were tangled in his beautiful light hair. "I missed you so much." – I whispered through smile that was frequently visible on my face.

"I missed you too." – He smiled as well and pulled our foreheads together. "I have this for you." – It was a bouquet of white roses. "Thank you. Exactly the ones I love." – I smiled up at him and he pressed his lips against mine. "Okay, mate. She's my best friend after all." – Carlos sounded annoyed. And I couldn't tell if it was sarcastic or not. "Sorry." – I laughed awkwardly not exactly getting the tension between them, but hugging Carlos anyway.

"Where is Isa? I expected her to come along so we could have dinner, all four of us. Something like a double date?" – I asked putting my hands in pockets as we walked towards the car. Carlos scoffed and whispered in my ear. "We broke up." – And that I didn't expect. Why all so sudden?

I didn't want to make such a big reaction because of the cameras that were following us. "Do you want to talk when we get home?" – I looked at him and his head fell down, but he nodded anyway.

When we got home I felt even more tension. What the hell happened between these two? They didn't even speak to each other. Whole car ride they were silent, except when I would include both of them in conversation.

After half hour I made dinner because it was already late in the night. And it was awkward by the table. I wanted to break the silence and ask what is going on. But I decided to leave it until tomorrow. I am sure they are both tired and maybe this tension will fall off.

Carlos stood up and without a word, washed his hands and walked upstairs to his room I guess. "What's up with him? Was break up that hard?" – I quietly asked Charles but he just shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know." – Okay this is getting way out of hand. They are not acting like themselves anymore.

I stood up, cleared my side of the table before walking up and knocking on Carlos' room. "Carlos? Can I come in?" – I didn't hear anything but instead he opened the door and looked at me with red eyes.

I pulled him in hug and we walked in closing door behind us. "You can talk to me, you know that." – I sat on the bed facing him as he was leaned against headboard. "Was it nasty break up?" – I asked squeezing my eyes hoping for not having cheating included.

"Kind of. It was mutual break up. She wants to pursue her career further and that means she can't travel with me. She will always travel around the world. Yes, she will have breaks but they don't work out for my schedule." – He took deep shaky breath before blinking few times fighting his tears back.

"We stayed friends, but it's not the same, you know?" – He looked out of the window and I walked over to him, pulling his head to my body while my fingers messed up his hair.

"Better that than not seeing her anymore." – I smiled sadly while he looked up at me. I wiped his tears with my hands and he quickly looked down. "You have probably noticed tension between Charles and me." – He started playing with his fingers.

"But I would like it if he told you himself. I don't want to be reason for anything." – He cleared his voice and my eyebrows furrowed. "Why? What happened?" – I asked genuinely confused and worried. "You'll see if he tells you."

"So, the reason for the tension between you two, am I?" – I asked pointing to myself. "Kind of." – He said in low voice as I barely heard it. "Okay, I will go talk to him, you can call me if you need anything." – I smiled at him and left the room after he assured me that he will do so.

I walked downstairs to see Charles sitting, leaned back in couch and watching a TV. "Hey, can we talk." – His expression turned from comfortable to tensed up one. What's up with all the tension tonight?

"Yeah, sure. About what?" – He asked lowering the volume on the TV and turning his full attention to me. I stood beside the other couch while his hands rested on his knees as he leaned on them.

"Not sure, Carlos told me it would be better if you tell me yourself, than him. He doesn't want to be reason for anything." – I explained and his pupils widened a little. It was visible because of the bright color of his eyes.

"Oh." – His head fell down and I moved my head so I can look at his face while it was down to floor. "Charles, what happened that you are not telling me?" – I asked wanting him not to waste time. But he already is.

"Um... Natalie..." – I furrowed my eyebrows at name. "Who is Natalie?" – I stepped in noticing that he isn't going anywhere with free talk. So I will ask questions. He stayed silent. I stood up and walked over to him, but still keeping distance. 

Fatal Accident (C.L. & C.S.)Where stories live. Discover now