7. You think she didn't try?

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They gave me one big Ferrari bag. Of course. So I can put my stuff in it but I left it in the car in case my clothes were not there.

I knocked on the door few times. I tuned back to look at dark blue Ferrari standing in front of the porch. I looked at backseat and I saw Carlos drew a heart in fog on the window. I laughed to myself but I was interrupted by door opening. And she opened up. Maria opened.

"Can we talk?" – I asked and I noticed her looking behind me in a car and she stood beside opening door for me to get in.

I stepped in and suddenly my three year old niece, Elizabeth or short, Lizzie ran to me.

"Aunt Jenna!" - She screamed and I picked her up kissing her on cheek. "Hey, dove. How have you been?" - I smiled at her and she showed me a toy she was holding. "Oh it's such a pretty doll. What's her name?" - I asked her and she smiled. "Jenna." - That surprised me but I smiled at her.

"Hey, Lizzie honey. Why don't you go to your room and play? I have to talk to aunt Jenna." – I placed her down and she ran away to her room. I unzipped my jacket and she looked at my shirt. Then David, my brother-in-law walked in.

"First you pull up here in that Ferrari and now you are wearing Ferrari shirt. Did you whore yourself around when I kicked you out?" - She snapped at me. Well she definitely wasn't expecting me now.

"The fuck do you think I am? I didn't!" – I tried to be as calm as I could but that comment really threw me off. I didn't expect it at all.

David came looked through the window and saw the car. "Well that is a pretty nice car for you. Ferrari with four seats? Pretty expensive if you ask me."

"That's not my car. And I am not here to discuss about Ferrari things. I am here to take my clothes. I found a place to live permanently." - I interrupted him and I looked at my sister who was staring at me with her arms crossed as she was leaned back on the wall.

She walked over to the couch and sat on it and so did David, but further away from her.

"Why do you think I still have your clothes?" - She asked in stone cold tone. She was never like this and I don't see the point in talking like that now.

"Because you kicked me out and you suspected I would find a place to live." – I responded being confused by her behavior.

"No, I suspected you were dead by now. I am surprised you didn't kill yourself." - My mouth slightly opened at her attitude. "You think I didn't try?" - I asked being confused by whole situation.

"No, I know you did." - She is completely different person. "And you don't care?" - I asked tilting my head. "If you don't care for your own life, why would I?" - All this time she is being serious.

"Well, what did you do with my clothes?" – I hoped she didn't do anything serious with them. "I burned them." - Well that was the last straw.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" – I yelled at her finally being full of her 'new self' "What me? I thought you were dead! What did you think I would do? Keep your clothes in memory of you? Why would I want to remember a shame to a family?" - She yelled back. And Lizzie started crying by all of the yelling. Maria went to take her and she came back soon after with her still crying in her arms.

"You think I am shame of family?" - I lowered my tone. I never knew my sister thought of me in this way. "You're the only one that didn't achieve anything and you are 24! I was married by 24! Our mother had me at 24! And what are you doing with your life? Going around trying to kill yourself? Hell I think you are the shame of the family!" - She continued yelling on as Lizzie went on crying because of her.

And on top of that a doorbell. I closed my eyes as I felt warm tear sliding down my cheek. I rushed towards the door after Maria passed by me wanting to see who it was.

I went to hallway and I got out through them and saw Carlos and Charles standing at the he door.

They saw my tearful eyes and Carlos looked at David with anger and I saw his fist tighten. "No, let's just go." – I walked past them and they didn't walk away just then, after few seconds they did. I heard Lizzie screaming so I turned around to face her. Tears now running down my face with my nose and eyes red along with cheeks and lips.

"Aunt Jenna! Why are you crying?" - She reached me and I crouched down on her level with Carlos and Charles standing on each side of me. "I just hurt myself when I was in the house." - I smiled upside down and placed my arms on each side of her arms.

"Listen to your mom and I'll be visiting you soon again. And I'll bring you some new toys you can play with." - She smiled but she had tears in eyes.

Maria approached her and took her in her arms. "Come one honey, its cold out here." - She walked away with David standing on the door. I stood up now tears falling again.

Fatal Accident (C.L. & C.S.)Where stories live. Discover now