30. Off us

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November 30th

Charles and Carlos rented mansion for New Year's Eve. They planned on calling their friends and they allowed me to bring some of my friends as well, but I only had Aisha, and she will bring her boyfriend with her.

And she promised not to leave me alone as I was still single.

In past few days, I did went out on a date as she recommended me to do so. He was friend with her boyfriend as they both said he is a great guy. And he is.

We went on two dates by far and he is coming to the party as well. Carlos is ready to meet him, but Charles is not that excited. At least he didn't seem like it.

In past time, he tried to bring that night in the club just once when he saw the video and showed it to me. But I already saw it. Every single one of them, I am sure.

But I shrugged it off and he never spoke about it again noticing that I don't want to speak about it. But he still gets nervous when I'm close to him. And I try to ignore it. Even when I told them about Jacob, he tried taking the topic off him. Off us.

Whenever I spoke about our date he would change topic. And I noticed it. Maybe Carlos didn't, but I did. Carlos on the other side is way more confident and understood what I wanted from them that day in Abu Dhabi.

We talk way more than Charles and I do. Charles also leaves house from time to time. He almost never tells me where he goes but I am sure he tells Carlos. He is busy after all.

Decorations are being put up to the walls as I walked around checking if everything was right. I did buy them with my own money, and I even paid people to put them up. Better them than me alone after all.

There was big Christmas tree in one corner, it almost reached high top. Lights were dimed and there wasn't much of it. There was place for DJ high above the floor, close to the tree.

Bar was all the way on the right. Long table with many options of alcohol and regular drinks. That was party room.

I walked over to the one where we will have dinner before everything, there was long table with brighter lights all around. Christmas decorations are already placed in this room. One side of the room was just glass with beautiful view.

In this room was Christmas tree as well, but it wasn't as big as the one in the main party room.

I closed it and went on balcony. There we will watch fireworks. It was right outside party room, so we will be pretty close to music and everything.

Everything was perfect. I just pray that the night goes well. I didn't have much problems in the past two weeks or so. I didn't hear from my sister, nor her husband but I do miss my niece.

I think of going over to their house again to see how they're doing. And that reminded me. We didn't even see each other for Christmas.

Yes, I am few days late but I went out of mansion over to my car that I bought for myself with my own money. Yes, I am succeeding in life. On the way there I stumbled on Charles as he was walking in.

"Oh hey, how is everything going with decorations?" - He asked closing door behind him. "Oh everything is great, I recommend you go see it and tell me if you have some new ideas." - I walked over to him and hug him.

"Are you going somewhere or are you heading home?" - He asked as we pulled away from each other. "I am going to my sisters. I didn't buy anything to my niece for Christmas and I didn't see her in long time. So I am going to visit." – I explained and he had worried look.

"Do you want me to go with you? You remember what she did to you in Abu Dhabi? Because I remember what you said." - He chuckled but he wasn't joking at all.

"Yeah, it was out of anger. Sure I still hate her for it and I will never look at her the same again. But I miss my niece and she probably wonders where I am. And no, you don't have to come with me. I am sure you have more important things to do."

"No, I insist. I am sure everything is perfect in there anyway, I can come check later. Let's go. I'll buy her something too." - He opened the door and I smiled walking out with him following me closely.

We went with my car and he left his at the mansion in garage.

We walked around toy's section. I went over to dolls and I remembered how she wanted this doll that comes with kitchen set. But I know that my sister and her husband said they couldn't afford it. Now I can, I have well paid job.

Charles noticed me looking at that set and kneeled beside me. "She wants that?" - He asked looking at it. "Yeah, I remember her saying she wanted it before few months. But they couldn't afford it. I think I'll take this." - I stood up and he followed.

"Let me help." - He took it and out in the cart. It was pretty heavy if you ask me. All that fake kitchen and everything... Really has weight.

"Now help me... What does she like?" - We walked around as he pushed cart and we looked around. "Well, she likes to paint and she is surprisingly good for a kid. And also likes my little pony a lot. She had almost every single one of them in collection." – I answered as we walked close to each other.

"What about a trampoline?" - He said and I noticed him looking at one. "Well, she does have a lot of energy, but she surely doesn't need it now in December almost January." - He walked over to one of them and I followed him.

"Well she can set it when snow melts. Do they have big backyard?" - He asked looking around the sizes of different trampolines. "Yeah they do." – I answered and he pulled out the middle one. Even if it was middle size it was pretty big.

We took another cart for it and walked over to the candy section and bought her favorite as I knew which one she liked the most.

We paid and they wrapped it up for us. Thank God we went with my car because this wouldn't fit in Charles'. 

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